~The day~

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(This chapter involves gay marriage! So, if you don't like that, I wouldn't read this chapter. We're just going to ignore the fact gay marriage is illegal in Japan.. Anyways, Let's roll!)

Taka woke up to his sleeping lover's arms around his waist. He put his hands on Mondo's. That woke Mondo up, he was still slightly unconscious. " hm..? " Mondo mumbled. He realized what was happening and wrapped his arms tighter around him. Taka blushed, " Mondo.. " Taka said, turning around, to face Mondo. Mondo pushed Taka's head into his chest. Taka poked his head up and kissed Mondo softly. Mondo sunk into the kiss fast. Taka wrapped his legs around Mondo, tight. Taka pulled away slowly, leaving a small string of saliva connecting them. Taka bit his lip and laid in Mondo's arms for the rest of the morning while watching the TV in their room.

Taka got up from Mondo's grasp and walked across the room to get his phone off the charger. Both of their phones were blew up with messages from Leon and Hagakure. " What the.. " Taka said, handing both of the phones to Mondo. He was surprised to say the least. " What are all of these about?- " Mondo said, before reading them. " I swear to god- " Mondo said before giving his phone back to Taka. " What's wrong? " Taka said, slowly reading the messages. " oh.." Taka mumbled, with a small tear in his eye."I better call Hagakure.." Taka said, upset, searching through is contacts. He finally found the number and called Hagakure. He went to another room and paced the whole entire area of the room while Mondo was getting the guest bedroom set up. Taka had the speaker to his phone on, Mondo could hear the sobs of Hagakure from the room next door. " Hey.. it's ok.. you don't know if it means break up, or just time.. " Taka said with a slightly shaky voice. Mondo shook his head with a small frown forming on his face as he folded the blankets to put on the end of the bed. " Okay, I'll let you pack. Call me when you're headed over. Bye, see you then. " Taka hung up and immediately started to cry. Mondo rushes in the room to comfort his grieving fiancé. " Hey.. just because Hagakure and Leon are grieving, doesn't mean we can break down because of their mess. " Taka nodded. " It's hard though.. " He said, looking straight at the ground, where Dixie was, trying to cheer him up by jumping up and down. He giggled at his comedic dog. Mondo smiles at Taka with a grin that only a loved one could be given. " Love that this is happening two days before the wedding.." Taka said sarcastically. " Well, we can't help it. We will just have to deal." Mondo sighed. He didn't want to believe that all this was happening. Taka shook his head and looked at his dog as he sniffed. Mondo embraced him tight, the way Taka's arms were wrapped around him, made him feel bad for the boy. " I can't even..believe..like, just a day or two ago, I walked in on them..and now they need space? Like..it's.." Mondo hushed the rambling boy. " It's not our business. We need to just pretend it didn't happen. For ours and their sake, Taka. " He nodded slightly, looking at the ground as Mondo grabbed his hands. " Promise me you won't talk about it, even at the wedding? " Mondo said pulling Taka's chin up. " Promise.. " He muttered, with a small tear running down his face. Mondo brushed his off fast as he heard the door bell ring. " Gah! He's here! " Taka said, rushing to the door and quickly opening it. " Welcome! " Taka said, holding the door open. " Hi, Hagakure! " Mondo smiled. Hagakure stepped in their house, shakily. Taka hugged him. " Hey.. it's ok. Everything's ok! " Taka said embracing his friend. " Thank you, Kiyotaka.. " The fortune teller sobbed. Mondo embraced the long haired mess. " I'll take you're bags.. Mondo, get him a blanket and some sprite from the fridge. " The crimson eyed boy sprinted with the bags all the way to the guest room and set them on the bed. Mondo on the other hand... went pretty slow, trying to talk to him as much as possible while grabbing the stuff and setting it down on the couch. Taka scrambled to the kitchen like a little dark mauve haired cat chasing chasing a mouse. But in this case, the 'mouse' was three mini frozen pizza's in the freezer. But on his quest to find the pizzas, he cut his arm, once again! " Shi—SHOOT! I SAID SHOOT- " Taka practically screamed. Mondo and Hagakure were laughing from the other room, not knowing what happened, just laughing at what he said. Taka rushed over to the sink and washed out his cut. " Mondo! Can you get me a bandage please?" Taka yelled. " What for? Did you hurt yourself again? " Mondo replied, hopping up from his seat, to the hall closet where they kept their bandages. Hagakure walked over to the kitchen to see the damage. " Ah!- That's a deep cut there, Kiyotaka! " Hagakure cringed, his shoulders clenching with a face that looked as if he just ate a sour lemon. The corncob male ran back with a roll of Bandaids and Neosporin. He winced as Mondo put the Neosporin on his cut. " I'm sorry Taka.. I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't a klutz. " Mondo joked. Taka did NOT find that amusing, considering he was in EMENCE pain. " Shut up, breadstick hair. " Mondo rolled his eyes and the bandages over Taka's cut. " Ah, the joys of love. " Hagakure gagged. " I'll be making lunch. Taka, you rest and find a movie on Netflix for us to watch tonight, and Hagakure, you find some games. " The Moral Compas and Fortune Teller went to the couch. Taka glanced though the Netflix movies and decided on 2 horror movies and Hagakure decided on the games, beer pong, and spoons. Mondo sat out three slightly over cooked, meat lovers pizzas. " Thanks dude! " Hagakure said, rushing to the dinning room to eat his lunch. Taka walked in daintily. " Thank you, Mondo. " Taka pulled the 'Chef' down by his collar and gave him a peak on the cheek. " Why thank you good sir's. " Mondo bowed. Taka giggled at his soon to be husband. " I'm just trying to get prepared for tomorrow.. " Taka said with a frown on his face, trying to cool the pizza down with his hand. " What's tomorrow? " Hagakure questioned, cutting his pizza into little bites. " Me and Mondo have to be separated for the whole day and part of tomorrow... " Taka crossed his arms and pouted. " It's silly! But Daiya did it at his first wedding.. " Mondo stuffed a piece of pizza in his mouth as a small tear streamed down his cheek. " He told you not to blame yourself, Mondo.. " Taka rubbed the larger males arm. Hagakure just sat there, eating his pizza watching Mondo hug the Moral Compass tight. " Being a third wheel is fun. " Hagakure said, getting up from the table to dump his trash.

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