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This better be the right address.

Looking away from the digits Nick sent me, I raise my fist and knock twice.

I wait a few seconds messing with the hem on my dress.

I was ready for anything tonight. Babysitting with Nick? What could go so wrong?

The door is opened and I feel an unknown tug at my heart as I see the huge beast-man like Nick holding a small blonde boy in his large arms.

I smile.

"This must be Logan!" I chirp and the small boy wearing a cutout paper hat waves at me.

"Nick told me about another friend who was going to play with us! All night too!" The small boy exclaims and Nick gestures for me to enter the house with a nod of his head.

It's was beautiful. The outside was small and quaint but the inside was as if I transported into some super clean glass mansion!

"Logan this is Alice," Nick says messing up Logan's hair when he sets him to his feet.

"Hi, Alice I like your dress." The small boy says poking my knee and I laugh. "And your hair is so pretty too." The little one adds on and I crouch down to his level. He walks up to me and grabs a piece of my hair. He has cute little red cheeks and wide eyes. But it doesn't stop there he keeps going. "And you're shoes are shiny. I like those too. And you have a nice sm-"

Nick gives the boy a strange look and pulls him back. "He's never usually like this." He mumbles.

"Mommy said we could play lots of games so I set up my room!" Logan says adjusting his floppy hat.

Logan walks up to me and grabs my hand and starts to drag me up the stairs with Nick behind us.

Maybe this won't be so bad.


A few hours went by and Logan played many games with us. Nick and I laughed and hung out with him like this was normal and I was loving it.

We brought some of Logan's toys downstairs and Logan was currently in the middle of his living room playing with Legos.

I sat on the couch feeling tired. I barely got any sleep last night because I was too scared to take my pills because of what happened last time.

I lean my head back and decide to rest my eyes for a minute.

But only a few seconds go by when Nick enters the room and Logan screams with excitement. I jolt up in a sitting position.

Logan runs over to me and jumps on my lap.

"Alice we get to go now!" He says excitedly and starts to bounce up and down.

We decided about an hour ago that we'd go out for ice cream since we both couldn't cook.

"Yeah, Alice we get to go now," Nick says the same way Logan did.

"Ice cream for dinner?" I say surprised and as if they were father and son they shrug at the same time.

"I can't cook." Nick states and Logan nods with a blank expression before agreeing aloud. "Yeah, Nick can't cook."

"But I can. Let me make you guys something." I say standing up and they both groan.

Logan goes limp in my arms and mumbles as if he was stabbed. "But I wanted Ice cream."

"We can still get ice cream," I say and he pipes up.

We walk into the kitchen and I start to look for ingredients already knowing what I wanted to make.

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