Chapter 1

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The warm sunshine filtered through the satin curtains of the window, and bright blue birds perched on the branched of the a bright green oak tree chirped in a sweet siren voice. A warm breeze tickled my neck, and the startling neon green grass swirled around my feet. A wave of blue silk floated around me. Wait! Blue silk? I didn't wear silk or long floaty dresses. a splash of water hung drew my attention and and as i tuned around I noticed a large clear crystal clear blue pool of water. I walked towards the pool and when I reached the rim I stopped and gazed at my refelection, Standing there in the pool was a teenage girl, who was bathed in layers of soft sheer blue silk, long black tresses spilled around her shoulders, silver and startling blue eyes gazed at the regflection in the pool. This was not me, how could it be? eerily I felt like I was being watched and I turned towards the tree from which I sensed the prescence and moved in small strides careful not to crush the flowers which lay beneath my feet. A small butterfly landed on the tip of my finger, and setled there, I gazed at the etheral and fragile beauty that the small elfin creature had, small wings started fluttering in a haze of bright colours, and then with a leap it landed back into the air and flitted away. What a mangnificent gift bird had, the freedom to fly, to be able to soar high in the sky with the sun shining on you face and the cold breeze tickling you hair... To be able to spread your wings among the white fluff of clouds, go anywhere by you own omission. A sudden movement disrupeted my bank of thoughts.

sudden footsteps... a tall figure was clad in a long dark swrling cloak, midnight blue eyes were peering at me through the hood, in moment the figure was standing in front of me. From it had seemed tall, but was immense compared to my slendr frame. A large scaly hand reached out and wrapped itself around my neck. I couldn't breathe, it clenched and squeezed ad the all of a sudden let go and crushed me aganist its lips.

I woke up in a cold sweat, my breath gushing out quickly. I turned to the mirror and nearly screamed when I saw myself. My hair was a cimplete mess. I quickly grabbed a wrisband and rushed out of the room, plonking on a bathrobe and into the shower. The warm dribbe of wtaer that poured over my head calmed me, and my sore muscles loosened. By the time I finished the shower, grandmother was shouting for me to come downstairs for breakfast. I rushed into my room and chanmge into a vest and a bright full floral skirt. A pair of sandals, and a big straw bonnet.

I switched on the blow dryer and sat there drying the wet tendeis of my hair.

Another sharp shout from granadma had me flying down the stairs and into the morning parlour.

My mouthy fell open in shock when I saw Mir, and his bandmates making themselves at home by eating grandmothers honey panckakes.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I screeched.

Four pairs of strange eyes turned towards me in suprise. Then a tall guy with a mop of reddish brown hair got up and walked over to me and gave me a daazling smile as he offered his hand.

" SO you are the cousin iI have heard so much about from Mir. Nice to meet you. I am Lee joon but you can call me Lee for short."

I was too dazzled by his smile to say anything else.

"Hi I am cathrina. Pleased to meet you too." I stuttered out.

"No need to be so formal." a deep voice chuckled.

I turned to find myslef enveloped in a big bear hug.

"It's been long time you know cat."

"Thunder. You idiot. you better let go of me now. I am so mad at you for leaving without a goodbye." He stepped back still grinning. I smiled back at him.

"So our Thunder knows the lovely kath. What a suprise." I turned and found myself facing a guy with short brown hair that was curling at the nape of his neck.

"Seoung ho! stop scaring her." Lee Joon let out or Lee which ever he was.

"As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted" the overbearig stranger gave lee joon a glare and joon sunk back into the couch. "I am seung ho."

"Nice to meet you."

"Here you can eat this on the way. Lets get going."

"Going where?" I turned towrads thunder who had a basket in hand which he handed over to me.

"We are all going to have some fun Cat. Lets go."

"What about gran Thunder? I can't just leave her here!"

"Relxa cat she is going to spend the day with grandpa. Enough with the Chit-chat lets go."

he pulled me towrads the door which led towrads the back enterance, thuddding footstrps followed. By the time I realised where we were heading, it was too late. I could hear the mares and stallios with their hooves thudding on the ground. Their happy mewls filled my ears and my body jumped with joy.

I pulled myhand from thunders and went to hug my black onyx stallion. He was a beauty, with rippling muscles and full of speed, his wild eyes were what made him special, he was untamed. Untouched. Pure.

The groom scurried out of my way, and crystal as I called him, settled down. The groom quickly bought the saddle and saddled crystal up for me. Meanwhile I opened up the contents of the basket and hugrily munched down on the crossiant.

"That is one hungry person I am seeing!" Mir was leaning against the fence in his rifing habit, looking every bit the glamorous star he was...

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