What I've realized

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Ok so I talked to my friend today on FaceTime for about 3 hours and I keep noticing that I find Queen in literally everything. I notice this a lot as it happens VERY often. I assure you this has been happening everyday for just about 2 1/2 years now lol.
People can say the simplest thing like for example my friend asked her mom if they have any cheese so she can make a grilled cheese. And I know it's not technically Cheese on Toast but it reminded me of Deaky

Another example I was talking to my dad because my nephews are coming over and he had said "all they do is play the game" (meaning our PS4) and of course I broke in to song and started singing

There are so many situations, and things that remind me of the boys it would be impossible to name them all here. I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.

These things have been happening long time now and I've been a Queenie for almost 2 1/2 years now. And it's just a way of life and I absolutely love it and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Also if my friend are freaking out I'll tell them "Don't Loose Your Head" or if it's late at night of course it's a given to start singing "It's Late" last night I was talking to my brother on the phone and it was maybe at 2:00am and he said "ok I gotta go it's late"... I started singing it and he responded with "wow I really walked into that one"

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