chapter twenty-one

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A'Zharia || Zee "Sure

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A'Zharia || Zee
"Sure. "

" Girl we been working here for two months and Sandy hoe ass never treated us like that. " Ken fussed as we stood behind the register.

This was my work friend. I love how he cheers me up and makes me laugh when I need to. I wasn't fond of making new friends but I gave it a shot.

" Who you telling? " I said agreeing.

" Hi how are you? " I asked the customer as she approached me.

" Fine and you? "

" I'm good. Did you find everything you were looking for? "

" Honey I'm shopping for my daughter since she outgrown some of ha' clothes. " She said waving me off. She did look kind of older now that I gave her face more attention.

I laughed a bit and nodded. " Woah you're about to pop. " She said pointing at my stomach.

" And we still have five more months. " I said being funny.

" Pregnancy is a beautiful thing love. My daughter Nadia is pregnant as well and I'm just loving it. " She said causing me to choke on my spit.

I saw Ken look more towards us, but he looked away letting me know he heard what I heard.

" Her boyfriend is so supportive too. " She told me smiling ear to ear.

" Really? Who's the lucky dad? Oh and your total is $112.45. " I told her. She went into her wallet as she spoke.

" They call him Toot, Toosii. Something along those lines. What to see a picture of them?"

" Sure. " I told her as she gave me the money. I was kind of in disbelief.

And believe it or not, it was definitely Nau'Jour and Nadia in the picture. They both were smiling and Nau'Jour had his hands on her stomach. Her stomach looked smaller than mine.

" Awww how many months is she? " I said fighting my tears from falling.

" Three honey. " She said smiling, grabbing her bags.

" Well you have a good day and continue to have a safe pregnancy alright? " She told me as she walked away.

" Alright thank you. " I said wiping the one tear that managed to get out.

" You know you can leave right? You don't need to be here right now. " Ken told me.

" I'll leave with you. Want to go relax? " He added. I shrugged as I turned around to clock out.

I only had a few minutes left on my shift anyway. I couldn't believe this was a relapse all over again. I hated this feeling.

The feeling of trusting someone with my mind, my heart, even my body and for them to just use me.
sorry for not updating. i just lost a family member to corona so i've been dealing with some things..

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