chapter twenty-two

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A'Zharia || Zee"

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A'Zharia || Zee
" ...He really has some growing up to do. "

" I'm fine mama. " I told Nau'Jour's mother as we ate lunch.

After I got off a few minutes early, Ken and I came to Nau'Jour's mama house to see if she knew anything. I decided I wanted to surprise my mama today also. I haven't told her I'm pregnant yet.

" What brought you to see my old ass? " She joked.

" Um, did you know Nau'Jour actually got that other girl pregnant? " I asked. She jumped and choked on her juice.

" No for real what brought you to see me? "

" Mama I'm serious. " I said starting to cry a little.

" Baby I'm telling you in all honesty no. He always flaps his mouth about you and that one in there. " She said pointing at my stomach.

I sighed in defeat. " Mama I think it's best if I just take a break from Jour. He really has some growing up to do. "

" I know baby. I'm with whatever you decide because that's just unacceptable. His father was the same way and I stayed there through all the hell. Everyone called me dumb, but I really loved him and still do. " She explained.

She walked over to me and hugged me tight while rocking side to side.

" I'm gonna go see my mama. I haven't even told her I'm pregnant. " I laughed a bit wiping my eyes.

" Y'all be careful love. Call me when you make it and when you get back. " I nodded and headed on out the door with Ken.

" You know what? " Ken asked me once we got in the car. I looked over at him for an answer as I pulled off.

" Since I've met you, you've been this so happy girl and never let yo problems get to you. You know it's okay to hurt right? It's okay to let go of toxic things and people if that's what is best for you. " I nodded and took everything he said in.

" Don't think I'm being rude by not responding it's just that I don't know what to do. I'm just so lost. " I explained.

" I understand. I've saw my sister go through something similar. "

The rest of the ride we talked about other things since I wanted to try to get my mind off it while I drove. I might be looking for me another house also.

I just want a fresh start, away from Nau'Jour as of right now. I want to keep my same job so it wouldn't be too far, but it would be far enough where I don't want to be found by him nor his friends.

I'm pretty sure Tyler and Nick knew too. The fact Nick was starting to become like a bestfriend too hurts. I'll have to talk to him though. That last situation has taught me to at least to try to hear someone out.

Once I got to the prison I pulled out my diploma and a hoodie to cover my stomach.

" Ooouuu she's gonna be so happy. " Ken cheered. I laughed at him. I bet my mama tired of me bringing new people to see her.

" You just bring someone new everytime huh? " Officer Nash said reaching out for a hug.

" Yes this is my friend Ken from- " I stopped talking since she hugged me looked confused. She hugged me again then felt my stomach.

" Girl are you really? " She asked looking at me surprisingly. I smiled and nodded. She picked me up and started spinning us around.

" Oh my goddddd. "

" Monica you're gonna make me throw up. " I gagged a bit at how dizzy I was becoming. She quickly stopped and put me down.

" Sorry Sorry. Gone tell ya mama and hey baby. " She spoke to Ken. He waved back as we walked towards the back.

My mama was smiling hard as hell once she saw me walk in. We hugged for a minute and sat down.

" Before you ask this is my work friend Ken. Ken this is my mama. " I introduced the two.

" Hey baby. "

" Hey. "

" Okay now look. " I slid her my diploma.

" Yeahhhh that's my baby! " She exclaimed loudly. I laughed as she looked at it and started to cry a bit.

" Proud ain't even the word. " She smiled at it.

" Okay mama I have another surprise. " She didn't even notice once she hugged me.

" What? And take that hot ass hoodie off. " I nodded and stood up to take off the hoodie. I felt my shirt lift up a bit.

" Zharia why the hell you so big? " My mama asked.

" Ummm, do I have to explain it? " I laughed nervously.

" Where the hell is Nau'Jour? Why haven't you already told me? " She smiled hard as hell staring at it.

" About him..... "

" What happened baby? "

" This girl he use mess around with lied and said he beat her and that she was pregnant two months ago. I believed it and stopped talking to him for a couple of days. I came around to let him know I was pregnant and we eneded up trying to work on this again. " I said sighing.

" I'm four months pregnant so for two months we've beeen working on getting better. Well I thought. I got a job at Victoria Secret and this lady came to check out and she was talking about her daughter expecting as well and asked if I wanted to see a picture. The only reason I said yeah was because the girl had the same name as the girl Nau'Jour use to mess around with. " I said wiping my eyes.

" Baby you telli-

" Mama he got her pregnant for real this time. The picture was of him and her and they were smiling holding her stomach. He's literally making me so fucking dumb mama and it's the fact that I know I'm better than this. " I cried.

My mama reached over and rubbed my hands.

" Listen. I'm gonna write down an address for you to go to. The house looks like no ones lives there and that's because I made that way after I got locked up. You go in there and go upstairs and straight down the hall. The bedroom straight ahead has a safe behind the painting of you. It's another address and money in there. The house isn't too far from the mall so you can move into it and stay close to work. If you need to get away from him, I just gave you the water. It's up to you whether you drink it or not. "

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