A fright, and Delight

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Gean and Jordyn were wandering the classrooms as someone suddenly grabbed Jordyn's hair, to which Jordyn blurted out "H-hey stop that hurts!" Jordyn glanced around the hallway seeing that there was no visible person, Gean and Jordyn pushed Mori against the wall where the curtains were closed and the lights were off, making it difficult to see. Jordyn said in an intimidating voice "I like to solve things peacefully but you brats always seem to stop me." Jordyn snickers "you'll be lucky if I don't rip your hair out strand by strand, oh and I thought I could've been peaceful, I thought I could be, but seems I'm mistaken. I have a syringe in my pocket that will drain your blood, but then again I don't want the blood of a fucking mistake" Jordyn hissed before releasing Mori. "Now scram, you useless ant! Before I change my mind and decide to crush you." He spat out, his words as thick as poison. Mori rushes out, panting "Fucking freak!" Mori said in a frightened tone, "so you can call me a freak now? Useless piece of shit. You're the one who initiated this bullshit, yet suddenly I'm the freak?!" Jordyn took multiple quick breaths in order to calm down, "Gean d-do you wanna go to lunch?" Jordyn said in a soft tone, regaining his composure. "Yeah, yeah it's almost time for lunch anyway, let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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