Chapter 39 - Real Life Modern Super Girl

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Kelly was sure she saw people with their phones out earlier and knew that at least someone would be senseless enough to upload a video of her on social media. People may sometimes be too gullible and trusting towards the government and its ways but not everyone is too dumb to put two and two together if she shows up on her rehearsals wearing the same attire.

She decided that she needed an outfit change so she told the cab driver to drop her somewhere else instead.

Kelly always had spare clothes in her bag so she doesn't have a problem with it. The problem was getting in and out without getting suspected.

She walked slyly until she found a place without CCTV cameras watching the area and hid on a deserted alleyway.

She swiftly changed into new clothes and walked out of the alley again as if nothing had happened.

Once she was a safe distance away, she hailed another cab and drove towards the dance studio.

"Hey! You! Why weren't you picking up my calls?"

A voice boomed behind Kelly as she was paying the driver her fare.

Kelly happily faced the person addressing her. Even though she thought she acted rather harshly earlier, she felt elated that at least she had been able to help out someone today and that she's taught another one a lesson.

Maybe even more people would be inspired to do good deeds if someone did indeed upload her video.

She wasn't thinking too much about the trouble it might bring her and her disguise anymore as she was wise enough to take precautions to avoid this.

"Hello, Ally!"

Ally was one of the dance studio's dancers/choreographers and she was one of their backup dancers for the production number they'd be doing for a show guesting.

"I brought something for everyone! I prepared breakfast!"

Ally laughed at her. "You surely are not from here! How can you think that driving hours from your home to bring us breakfast was wise? It's almost lunch time."

Kelly smiled sheepishly and replied, "Right. Anyway you could eat it as brunch, right?"

"Sure," Ally replied. "Well, come on in. Let's eat that before it gets too cold for consumption," she teased again.

"Why are you here by the way?" Kelly asked rhetorically but Ally replied, "Well, I just got back because I had to take care of something." She finished with a shrug.

When they had all eaten, they began work after a short while.

Even though Kelly had already gotten everything right, Mark was still apparently having a hard time so they had to practice harder.

After a few rounds, Teacher J realized this fact and let Kelly rest for a while.

On the other hand, Mark was to practice on his own for a while so he can get the hang of dancing more since he obviously hasn't had enough experience dancing.

Kelly kept laughing at him and this made Mark blush even redder with time.

Mark wanted to snap at her and tell her to get out but mastered himself not to.

After all, he might possibly really look like a fool because he knows he really can't dance well.

Moreover, he didn't want to insult Kelly and hurt her feelings. But she was the reason why he can't concentrate! How was that fair?

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