f i v e

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i woke up next to the sound of the alarm screaming in my ears. i went to the bathroom and started getting ready. after finishing my morning routine, i went down and prepared some food for my foster family. it was really early so I doubt either of them would be awake. i took the moment to quickly dash out of the door and into the school.

once I reached to the gates of UA, i stopped for a moment and take a deep breath. i walked through the hallways with my head hanging low. the school is still empty considering that it's still like what, 6 a.m.-ish? i sat by my table and slowly darkness started to consume me. despite knowing there will be class soon, i couldn't miss this time to sleep.


i felt a nudge on my shoulders and soft whispers coming from beside me. my eyes were slightly open and try to adjust to the lights. a wave of realization hit me when i saw Kirishima Eijirou waking me up and an empty classroom.

"we're supposed to do Hero and Villain fighting according to All Might. I mean he came through the door loudly and i'm surprised you're not awake. everyone wanted to wake you up but seeing how you look so peaceful, no one dared to do it." he said while showing his iconic toothy grin

i hummed in response and left him behind. as usual, he caught up with me and went on chattering about the training description. i didn't really listen to him but i did get a few information.

apparently we're supposed to spar one another but take the roles of a hero and a villain. we'll be divided into pairs and we are allowed to wear our hero costumes that we sent in at the first day of the school. the objective of the hero is to protect the bomb inside the building or to capture the villain within the time limit, vice versa.

"took you long enough, young (y/n)," All Might boomed

"yea, yea, be glad I came," I replied, clicking my tongue in annoyance

we took lots to pick our partners and the result was not satisfying at all. i was paired up with a kid named Izuku and some Floaty Bitch. we were the heroes while Bakugou and Four Eyes were the villain. i thought deeply on what i should do considering i never really talked to either of them. while i was lost in my thoughts, it was already my turn to fight.

"hey, good luck!" cheered Kirishima

"oh..thanks," i quickly said before joining Izuku and the others. i entered the gym and the bell rang, The Battle Trial has begun.

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