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on my way back home, a certain red head called out my name. i sighed and stopped for him to catch up for me.

"what do you want?" i asked boredly

"i just want to train with you!" he replied excitedly

"don't you have Bakugou to do that for you? besides, i'm not that interested in training." i continued walking and left him behind like always

"nah, i'd rather be with you! see you tomorrow and don't worry, i'll pick you up!" he waved goodbye

the fuck? i didn't even say yes and he just goes off like that. tch, what an idiot thinking that he can make me open up to him. he just probably wants to use me.

-the next day-

i quickly walked out of my house to try avoid my so called parents. unfortunately, life sucks and they caught me so you know the routine, daily beatings. i walked to the park covered in bruises as i saw Kirishima walk towards me.

"hey (y/n), woah, are you okay? you're covered in bruises, shouldn't we treat that first?" he greeted while inspecting my body worriedly

"tch, it's fine and just leave it be. i had extra early training so yea, this is what happens." i lied to him

"but i thought you aren't interested in training plus i'm supposed to pick you up you know. that's what a man does!" he cheerfully replied, believing my lie easily

"let's just get this over with." i sighed heavily, and got to my fighting stance

i took the first strike by punching him and as expected, he hardened himself. his quirk isn't exactly what you would call flashy but it's enough. i quickly stole his quirk, leaving him vulnerable for me to attack.

his eyes widened in surprise as he realized he doesn't have his quirk anymore. he looked up to me and saw my body hardening just how his was supposed to be

"what? how did you do that?" he muttered under his breath but i could still hear him

i hardened my fists and started punching him. he tried fighting me but all his effort was useless. i hit him over and over again, using up all the power i stole from him. his skin was covered with scratches, bruises, and i could tell he was beaten up already.

i stopped attacking him and gave a distance between us. he panted and looked at me, not understanding a thing that just happened.

"it's my quirk, frightening isn't it?" i chuckled, trying to catch my breath from all the punching

"oh, so that's how you used Bakugou's quirk at the Quirk Assessment Test. well, i think it's awesome! it's way more manlier than mine!" he looked at me with sparkle in his eyes.

that was the first time, the first time someone ever looked at me like that ever since the death of my parents. this new feeling, it's terrifying, and i don't like it.

"tch, just shut up! you don't know anything so fuck off! i don't need your pity or anything shark boy." i was fuming with anger. i hate it when someone pities me, it makes me look weak in front of others.

"eh? i'm not pitying you, i'm just telling the truth! you are amazing and it may seem like you have a villain quirk but i think it's amazing!" he happily replied, ignoring all the things i said before.

"just stop it. i don't want to hear it anymore." i scoffed. people are so predictable, they tear down the walls you built saying that they are here to help and all they did was destroy it from the inside.

i gathered all my stuff and left him behind, unanswered questions lingers around my head. why isn't he tired of being left behind? why does he keep on chasing me? why does he force himself to be friends with someone that will hurt him someday?

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