s i x t e e n

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i didn't thought interning with Edgeshot would be this exhausting but i could no longer feel my body after training with him. i packed my bags and went to the train station where Edgeshot was already waiting for me.

"thanks." i said while we wait for the train.

"no problem kiddo, interning with you was enjoyable, don't forget everything i taught you." he reminded

"how can i fucking not, you make me train 24/7 til i can't feel my limbs." i scoffed

"manners." he warned

"yea, yea. my train is here, bye." i got up and waved at him.

i sat by the window seat and saw him waving at me. i sighed and the train started moving. shit, i'm going back to school.


the next day, the hero killer became the number one talk amongst 1A especially since Todoroki, Deku, and Four Eyes are connected to it.

i sighed and slightly snicker at Bakugou's new hairdo.

"hey, hey, hey! how was your internship?" Kirishima came towards me after making fun of hedgehog

"it was good, you?" i sipped on my drink and looked at Kirishima

"VERY MANLY!! though i didn't learn anything that important, and the great thing is..... TETSUTETSU WAS THEREEEE! he is the manliest person i've ever met, after you of course." he cheerfully exclaimed

"yea, yea calm your tits. i don't need people yelling at me first thing in the morning." i yawned and threw the trash away.

i lazily sat on my seat as Aizawa explained on what we'll be doing today. i grabbed my hero costume and made my way to the gym where All Might was there waiting for us.

"hello, young ones! i hope you're ready for today's training to see what you have learned in your internship." his voice rang loudly

he continued his brief explanation on what we'll do and ended it with his iconic smile.

i observed every single one of my classmates, taking note of their every movement and improvement.

i sneakily made my way towards half 'n half and stole his powers. he looked at me, eyes swirling with confusion as he tilted his head. i winked and walked away to enter the gym.

as the bell rang, i ran as fast as possible to get closer All Might from down here. after deciding a good distance, i build a block of ice and got on top of it. touching the ice beneath me, i made it high enough to reach All Might.

i jumped from my spot towards All Might and tapped him, making me achieve second place. i panted and took time to regain my breath, making sure i don't pass out.

"good work, young (y/n)." All Might patted my back

"tch." i swatted his hands away and walked my way out of the gym.

as i was walking towards the toilet, a voice called out for me

"yo (y/n)! that was sooo manly of you!" Kirishima complimented me

there was a pause before i replied, "........thanks, you too." i continued walking and i saw him smiling to himself, unconsciously i felt the end of my mouth tilting upwards.

shit, shit, shit, shit. no emotions (y/n), your "parents" taught you that.

i hid in one of the stalls and covered my mouth, cussing to myself for letting my feelings slip.

after calming down, i went outside and had my lunch. i was standing in front of the vending machine, wondering on what i should buy.

suddenly my vision blurred and i felt my body sway, slowly losing its balance. i held the vending machine and clutched my head, silently groaned in pain.

the sight before me switched from the vending machine to a weird room and back to the vending machine. i blinked my eyes a couple of times to make sure i wasn't dreaming.

not long after that, i was no longer in front of the vending machine. there i saw an odd room, it was dusty and the walls were dirty as fuck. the lights were no longer working, some of them flickering though.

at the end of the room, a figure laid lifelessly. i slowly crept forward, contemplating every step i take.

as i walked forward, the room became horrifying, like it's a fucking cage to torture people. blood stains were splattered everywhere, tainting the room's white walls.

the figure laying by the floor were slowly recognizable and i could feel the oxygen inside me escaping the moment i noticed who it was.

i panted heavily, slowly kneeling down to be closer with the figure in front of me. i cradled it to my chest, tears escaping my eyes.


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