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Today is 16 September 2013. This is the day our school will start again, so I woke up at exactly 6:00 AM, I took a bath then I ate breakfast. Well, mom is a pretty great cook; she always cooks a delicious food for us every day.

The school bus has arrived, I went to hop in and I saw Tyler sitting beside with Lisa of course, and then I saw Andrew so I sat beside him and we talk about how wills the school year goes. We arrived at school at exactly 7:45 AM. So, we had to search for our new classrooms for this school year. Then, I saw the list of names together with our new classrooms. Surprisingly, I saw Sophie's name and we are in the same classroom. I was so happy that day when I saw her name.

So I went to my room and Sophie was there, sitting and reading a book. When I walked inside the room, she immediately called me and told me to sit beside her, and my heart beats faster and faster as I slowly walk up to her. Then I sat down beside her then she immediately talked to me and asked me how my summer goes. I replied, "My summer was great, you know, always in the pool to keep refreshed and as always I kept on playing computer games. How about yours?" "My summer is nice, always reading my books always watching some movies." She replied.

Our first teacher, Ms. Green the always crabbed one. She immediately gave us homework! She always gives homework on the first day of school. Then she started the class by giving us a school work and we need to right 2000 worth of words of essay regarding how our summer went. That is so absurd starting the class with a 2000 worth of words of essay.

I finished my essay for about 30 minutes because I got a lot of things kept in my mind how my summer went. When I gave my paper to Ms. Green, she read my essay and she said, "Wow William, I wish my summer was like yours." Then I just smiled at her and I left the room to take a break. But before I go straight to our cafeteria, I waited for Sophie to finish her work, then Adam saw me standing beside our classroom door and he asked me, "Hmm... Who are you waiting for my brother?" "I am waiting for Sophie." I replied, then Sophie got out of the room then we went to the cafeteria. We already bought our foods then we started to look for our friends and we saw them sitting and it seems like their sad. We immediately went to them and I asked "Hey guys, it seems like your sad. What's the matter?" then Olivia started talking. She said that their teacher blamed them for breaking the glass window but they didn't break it, Antony broke the glass window. By the way, Antony is the troublemaker in our batch, he broke the campus gate, the glass window, even the toilet, and he broke the toilet by putting firecrackers on it. And I realized Andrew is not here, I thought he was probably in the library to read some books 'cause he's also a book lover.

Well, it's already 3:00 PM and we started to go home, so we rode our bus then I as usual, I saw Tyler and Lisa sitting beside each other again so I sat down beside Andrew again, and he told me an interesting story about his first day of school. He saw a new girl student; he said the girl is cute and pretty, and he asked the girl if he can accompany her during the break time and the girl said yes. And now I know where he was during the break time. I asked him what the girl's name is, he said it's "Hannah"

I arrived at my house then I changed my clothes then my mom immediately called me for dinner. We had dinner then dad asked me how my first day of school went, I said it's just like an ordinary day. Then he asked, "How about Sophie, is she your classmate?" "Yep, she is" I said. Then dad told me why I don't court her, because Sophie is like suitable for me. Well, I said that Sophie is the 'study-first' girl. So, I don't want to bother her studies and she may fail on her studies due to a lover's thing.

I went to my room, and I immediately did my homework that Ms. Green gave us. After that I opened up my phone and texted Sophie if she is already done on her homework. She replied, "Yes, I am done with it. I need to sleep now, 'cause dad will probably yell at me if I didn't sleep early" "Okay, goodnight" I replied, so I closed my phone then I went to my bed and I went to sleep.

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