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When I arrived at school, everyone who I encounters when I'm on my way to my classroom kept on staring and laughing of me because of yesterday's incident.

I sat down on my chair, and Sophie had arrived so when she sat down we talk about the people who kept on staring and laughing at me. Then our adviser, Ms. Jones, told us that we need officers for the class, so we need to nominate 5 people for each position and for those who will be nominated needed to make a campaign speech so that our classmates know who they will vote. Ms. Jones told us that tomorrow we will start our campaign speech and the voting will be the day after tomorrow. Sophie was nominated as the class president and I got nominated as the class treasurer which is sucks, I don't want to hold money because I might lose it but at the same time I want to become a class officer. So during break time, Sophie and I started on our campaign speech and our friends started to help us so that we can win and become a class officer.

I was so busy on my campaign speech, even when the teacher is discussing, I kept on writing and thinking on what to say on my campaign speech. Until Ms. Green caught me on doing something and immediately called me and asked me out loud "What are you doing William!?" Of course I immediately hid my campaign speech and good thing I have a spare paper under my desk and she confiscated it. Good thing it was a different paper then she said "What's this? Oh a letter for a girl. Hmm... I must read it out load." I was shocked when I heard it, I didn't notice that it was a letter for Sophie and I asked Ms. Green if I can head to the comfort room. Ms. Green didn't allow me to go outside the room, and she started to read it out loud.

To: A very special girl,

You are so beautiful, cute, smart and helpful. I am confessing my feelings for you through letter because I don't have the courage to confess to you in person. I hope you won't stay away from me when you read this.

From Your Lover,

William Anderson

Good thing that I didn't wrote her name on it or else my feelings for Sophie will be revealed not just for her but for the entire class.

Ms. Green asked me who this girl is. Well, I just said that it was for my crush and I didn't say the name of her. "Writing a love letter during my class is completely unacceptable. As a punishment, get a pad paper and write 1000 worth of words regarding about self-criticism." She said, and she was so mad, I was annoyed by her every time she comes inside our classroom.

I am done writing my 1000 worth of words regarding self-criticism. I went to the faculty so that I can give it to Ms. Green, but she wasn't there and I just put it on her table and left the faculty. When I left the room, I bumped on Ms. Green and she asked me, "Are you done on your 1000 worth of words regarding about self-criticism?" "Yes, Ms. Green" Then she just walked by pass me.

Today is Thursday, 19 September 2013. This is the day were we deliver our campaign speech. I am so nervous about my speech, I don't know if the audience will vote for me. I started practicing in front of the mirror and I am still practicing it while waiting for the school bus. Then while on the bus, my hands are shaking because of the nervous, and then Andrew asked me, "It seems like your nervous for your campaign speech. Don't be nervous, you got this okay? You can do it. Remember don't flop it, Sophie is watching you." I even got so nervous when he said that Sophie will watch me. I really don't want to lose and fail this opportunity especially in front of Sophie.

When I got sat on my chair, Ms. Jones entered the class and he immediately called the ones who are nominated as presidents. Sophie got it nice, she delivered it very smoothly, she didn't fail to pronounce any words, she is so sincere on her speech, and she really deserves to be our class president. When it is time for the treasurer nominees, I got even more nervous. I am the first one to deliver my speech and here is my speech:

"I've never been a model student by any standard. I sometimes even make mistakes and make a fool out of myself. But I am willing to change for you guys. We will be spending this one year together. In this one year, we may quarrel, and we may get angry at each other. But we will also strive together as a class. I hope the impression I leave you isn't the William Anderson who's always getting into trouble and pulling you down but the William Anderson who can truly be a help to everyone. Thank you."

I was surprised that many people clapped on my speech including Sophie and I realized that I didn't even stutter during my speech. After the speech of all the nominees from President to Historian, Ms. Jones said that tomorrow will be the casting of votes so we need to vote wisely on who we will vote. Sophie congratulated me on delivering a speech and wishes me the best of luck for the upcoming voting process, of course I congratulated her and wishes her the best of luck too, and my mind kept on saying "Tell her you love her" and I almost tell her that thing.

When it was break time, Sophie told our friends that I delivered the speech smoothly and they congratulated me for that. After break time, our class was Mathematics, and Mr. Michael asked us to find a partner for our math project. Sophie asked me if I can be her partner, I said yes without hesitation, 'cause who would reject their crush to be your partner on a group project.

Well, it's time to go home now; I need to rest because it was a hectic day for all the nominees. While getting board on the bus, I saw Anthony; it looks like he is not in a good mood so I pushed Andrew forward so that he can walk faster. Andrew asked me "Why do you keep on pushing me?" "Anthony is here!" I replied. Well, we sat down and I felt relieved then Tyler, who keeps on talking to his girlfriend Lisa, he called me and said, "Hey, William, is that Anthony?" I saw Anthony boarding the bus, "What is he doing here? This is not his bus." It looks like he changed bus and I don't know why. Well, I pretended that I fell asleep then he grabbed my shirt and he started to humiliate me again in front of the people on the bus, and he started to bully me. Good thing that I am the one always getting off the bus.

It's Friday and it is the casting of votes. I prepared all my things for school, ate my breakfast and waited for the bus. I even prepared a word of thanks speech in-case I won as the treasurer of the class. I know treasurer is not a major position in class officers but I need to ready my speech to thank the voters who voted for me.

Ms. Jones entered the class and he gave us a paper which contains all the names of the nominees. For president I voted my crush, Sophie and Ms. Jones said that we cannot vote for ourselves, we need to vote the others. Well, I voted for Jane for the position treasurer because it seems like she is suitable for being the class treasurer.

Votes had been casted. Ms. Jones announced who won for the position of president, and it is Sophie. I congratulated him and shook hands with her. And for the Vice-President is Howard, secretary is Julianne and for treasurer is William and that's me! Sophie congratulated me and surprisingly she hugged me. Oh my gosh, my heart beats faster and faster. It is the first time that Sophie hugged me. After she hugged me, I felt shy, I don't know why. Our friends got the news that me and Sophie won on the election of officers. They treated us food and drinks. For me it is the best day not just because I won and it is because Sophie hugged me.

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