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After the drama play incident, Sophie started to avoid me, she even left our group. My friends started to be angry and sullen to Sophie after she left us. Every one of us doesn't like what happened, including me. I literally forgot the instructions of Ms. Keenly due to nervousness. She even ask Mr. Leon, our Physics teacher if she could change her partner, I got sad because of that.

I just kept on looking down it's either I'm looking at my foot or the desk in front of me. I also kept on thinking on what I've done during the drama play; I can't even forget that scenario.

After a few days, Sophie started to talk to me; she even came back to the group and asks for forgiveness that she left us. No matter what happen everybody is welcome in our group.

One day, Amelia said something to me, "Why don't you confess you're feelings to Sophie, you know, so that you can lighten yourself up." "I can't. I'm scared that I might get rejected." I said, it is hard for you to get rejected by your crush honestly. It is also hard to gather some courage and strength when it comes to confession.

When I got home, I wondered if I confess my feelings to Sophie and when I admitted that I have a crush on her maybe she too has a crush on me. Well, I hope that she also has feelings for me. My parents now called me for dinner and while eating dinner, I asked dad about confessing my feelings to Sophie. Dad said to me, "It's up to you if you want to confess, but always remember, before you confess your feelings, you should first know if you are ready to be rejected and to be hurt." "Uhmm... I think I am ready." I said it clearly. "Well, if that so, you can confess your feelings. But remember; confess it to her at the right time." When dad said that, I think that this time is not the right time because of the incident two weeks ago.

I told Tyler about that thought, well, I said it to him because he has an experience on confessing his feelings to Lisa. He said that this is not the right time, just like I thought. I asked him, what is the best style to confess; he said that by giving her some chocolates and letters. Well, by doing that, it seems hard for me because I haven't written any letter to anybody.

When I got home, I started on writing a letter for Sophie. I am not going to write again the letter that Ms. Green revealed in front of the class that would be so embarrassing, I need a different letter, a different style.

It's Saturday, and I need to buy more materials and chocolates for Sophie, so I asked my parents for permission so that I can buy my materials that I need, they agreed on that and I rode my bike and I'm on my way to the supermarket. While on my way to the supermarket, I saw Sophie walking towards their mail box, I called her and said hello, she just waved and smiled at me and it makes me happy. I arrived at the supermarket then I take all the materials and chocolates that I need for Sophie. While waiting for my turn at the cashier, I saw Ms. Green walking towards me, so I just turned around and I just ignored her. It's my turn to pay for the things that I just bought, when I looked at the cashier, Ms. Green saw me and called me, "What are you doing here?" She said. "I just bought some materials that needed at home." "Is it for home or for your crush?" She replied, I said. "It's for home, my dad just told me to buy these items." Then I immediately ran outside and rode my bike and head back to home.

I continued my work; I already had 5 envelopes with letters in it. For each envelop, I attached 1 chocolate bar. When I'm done doing the letters, I put them in my bag and I took a rest.

Now it's Monday, it is time to give those letters and chocolates to Sophie. When I hopped on the school bus, I showed it to Tyler and he said, "Nice dude, you prepared it very well. I wish you a good luck on confessing your feelings to her."

When I came inside the classroom, Sophie was not there yet, so I simply pulled out the letter and chocolate and putted it on her table and she had arrived. She saw the letters and chocolates and she was shocked, she wondered who gave it to her, she even asked me if I know the person who putted it on her table, I just said no. When she read it, she just looked at me then she smiled.

It is break time then she called me, "I already know who gave these to me" "Who did?" I asked. "It's you. Do you really have feelings for me?" "Of course, since the 7th grade I have a crush on you, that's why I confessed my feelings to you now. I hope you have feelings for me too." I said it to her, I am so nervous that time and I really hope that she has a crush on me. Until she said, "William, I am sorry, I don't have any feelings for you. I am sorry." When she said that, it broke my heart. It shed me to tears. I don't know what to say that time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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