Author's Note

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Dear Wattpad Readers, I want you all to be aware that for the first time since beginning this story, I have deleted a reader's note/review/comment.

Normally I don't comment on reader's notes because in all honesty it makes me uncomfortable. I LOVE that you guys like my story and I absolutely adore those of you that leave notes and comments. But it makes me uncomfortable knowing that complete strangers across the world are enjoying my work, and I'm just awkward enough to have long distance social anxiety about it. But I feel that as the author, I must make my feelings known on the subject of this comment.

The comment was written in response to this quote from chapter seven, "She said something unintelligible into her pillow and he left the room. Assuming it was some sort of confirmation of understanding he made his way to his own room. Collapsing on the bed, he was asleep before he could turn the light off."

The commenter wrote, "Just a note, this is rllly [sic] unrealistic in the fact that she would not be able to sleep that easy after something that big happening , I would know"

I didn't think that this would ever need to be said, but hear me when I say: Nobody. Not any human on this planet - not you or me or any man, woman, non-binary person - ever has the right to act as a gatekeeper to sexual assault.

My story is no Steinbeck, Bronte, Vonnegut, or Austin - but it is a story of growth and discovery. Each person grows in their own way. Each person reacts differently to trauma. Almost every woman I know has their own #metoo type of story to tell, and how we tell those stories vary.

Each and everyone of us is a snowflake - special in our own way - and nobody gets to tell us if the way we choose to tell our story is wrong or right.

Thank you for reading.

I will now get back to continuing Charlotte's story.


Apparently I need to repeat myself. So let me say this louder for the one reader in the back of the class who didn't hear me this first time: YOU ARE NOT A GATEKEEPER OF SECUAL ASSULT.

You do not have any right to compare sexual assault experiences, or claim that you speak for survivors as a whole.

I  appreciate that you took the time to read my story, however I do not appreciate the toxic rhetoric that you have brought into this space. If you disapprove of my work, then please, discontinue reading rather than using my story as an outlet for your anger and frustrations. This is simply not the platform for a harsh and judgmental discourse.

I've grown to cherish these people that read my work and comment on each chapter. It bring me more joy than any one of you could possibly imagine.  But the last thing I would want is for anyone who could possibly relate to Charlotte's story feel that their story by extension is not worthy of being heard, or told.

I am so grateful for this little community of readers here on 'A Mind' and I do not wish anyone to leave this space feeling degraded, unheard, brought down, or wounded by myself or any other persons here.

That being said, if anyone wishes to share their story here, I will listen. Shared stories are welcome, judgement is not.

Once again, I will now return to writing the next part of Charlotte's story - which, ironically, will see Charlotte reliving her assault even though she'd convinced herself she had moved on.

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