+ Chapter 16 +

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Emerson's P.O.V

I felt bad for Iracebeth...I truly did love her still. But she doesn't even look at me in the eyes...she just ignores my existence. I noticed she is talking to Remington and I felt like beating his sorry ass. I saw Sebastian walk into the room with Maria. They looked really cute together he noticed me smiling and then sat next to me. He said "hey brother how are you and Vanessa?" I looked at Iracebeth from the corner of my eyes and then back to Sebastian.

I said "we're doing greater than ever she makes me super happy and I love her so much!!" Sebastian smiled softly and said "well I'm glad she's making you feel happier than before" I drank the coffee trying not to make a face. And said "yeah she's one beautiful human being I've laid eyes on" I lied to him. Iracebeth just sighed and got up saying "THATS A WRAP EVERYONE GOOD WORK!!" She then looked at Sebastian saying "I'm going home thank you and Maria for being here....well Maria is my assistant but you get the memo"

I looked at her...she looked beautiful as an angel. She then turned her face to me and then said "mm" looking me up n down then Vanessa grabbed her and pushed her away from me. Causing Iracebeth to fall on Sebastian. I had to smile because it was a little funny but messed up. She kissed me and then I kissed her back rubbing my hands on her soft thighs.

Then she broke the kiss I looked at Iracebeth. Who was ready to kill Vanessa but then Sebastian told her "hey...maybe it's best if you just go home Iracebeth..I got it from here" she kept her eyes on mine...her soft light brown eyes looked deep into mine. Then she broke the eye contact and walked away.

I honestly didn't want her to leave...

Iracebeth's P.O.V

After being pushed onto Sebastian. I got up and gave her a death glare then looked at Emerson. Why can't he see that I loved him...he's so stupid. I was ready to grab her hair and yank her sorry ass off of him. Until Sebastian said blocking my way "hey..maybe it's best if you just go home..I got it from here" he smiled slightly and then I looked at Maria who was ready to pop off on Vanessa's sorry ass.

I sighed and then grabbed my purse then left. Once I got into the car I started to scream and punch the wheel. I cried for a while then I wiped my tears and then started to play my favorite song from Motionless In White 'Reincarnate' God how I love Chris Motionless.


I got out of the car and saw remington outside holding Pickle in his arms. I smiled and then went up to him kissing his big puffy lips. He kissed me back and then I let go of the kiss and pet pickle saying "Hey Mama's I've missed you so mucccchh!!" She rubbed her tiny head on my cheeks and licked my nose. I smiled so big and remington said "oh my gosh that was super cute!!"

I laughed and then said "yes indeed" and then we went inside. I then sat down on the couch I knocked out once I hit it.

~2 hours later~

I woke up from Pickle licking my cheeks and I smiled saying "what on earth are you doing cutie?" She said "Meow" I sat up placing her on my lap and then I saw Remington laying down on the floor watching a YouTube video. Right when I was about to say something I heard the front door knocking. So remington noticed me up and then he said "I'll get it baby you lay down" he got up and went towards the door he opened it and it was Sebastian and Maria.

I smiled when I saw Maria. She said "wow you look like a hot mess Iracebeth" she laughed and then Remington closed the door saying "she's MY hot mess" he kissed my forehead. Sebastian laughed and then picked my legs up and then sat them down ontop of his legs. I blushed a little when his light blue eyes looked at my light brown eyes.

Then Remington said "so...what brought you two here?" Maria gave him a look and said "I wanted to see my best friend..why are you here?" He said "she's my girlfriend so I'm here to stay with her and help her with bills and help comforting the cat!" She said "okay you got me there...you win" he said "that's what I thought!" He laughed and then he sat down infront of me. He said "but honestly what brought you guys here?"

Sebastian said "In a few days Maria is having her 22nd birthday! And you guys are invited!!!" I totally forgot her birthday was coming....I mean I totally didn't forget her birthday. Haha I then said "oh yeahhh!!! What do u wanna do? Maria??" She thought for moment and said "I was thinking if we can hangout at my house and have a couple of drinks or so basically something relaxing!!"

I nodded and smiled saying "IM IN" she laughed and then Remington smiled saying "I'm in as well gotta support my girlfriend's best friend!!" She smacked Remington's arm which caused him to fake cry to me and I laughed. Sebastian kissed Maria and said "of course imma be there because you're my one n only Maria!!" She began to blush really really hard and kissed Sebastian. I did a gagging noise and said "ewwwww"

They broke the kiss and laughed at me n Remington. I looked at the clock and said "okay well idk about you guys but I'm really tired...it's already 10pm" Maria said "we're gonna spend the night so we can go to work together!!" I just nodded and hugged them goodnight. They did the same while me n Remington went upstairs to go to sleep.

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