+ Chapter 21 +

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Iracebeth's P.O.V

"iracebeth please" he had me make eye contact with him. His eyes full of regret and hurt I then reached for his hand and then grabbed it. He tighten his grip but then I yanked it off of mine and said "Remington I can't leave me alone"

He said "Iracebeth....I'm sorry" I then said "you didn't even let me speak my side of the story Remington and calling me a 'SLUT' and ignoring my calls my messages and blocked me on Instagram?!" He looked down and I said with tears coming down again "I loved you Remington and I would never do that to you! I was forced to move on my own!! obviously you weren't sorry then"

He suddenly began to cry and then I said "I've had enough of you Remington plus I heard you're going out with someone else...I hope Monica's treating you better than I did because after all I was a 'slut' ". I cried so much and he cried even more and then I walked away. God why now? Why did he have to see me like that? I ignored everyone and then grabbed my things I told Evan I was heading home.

He noticed the tears in my eyes. And he just nodded and said "Okay please be safe" I smiled up at him and hugged him. Then Emerson looked at me and then ignored the fact I was crying. I didn't wanna deal with anyone at all my mood just switched up. I got into the car and drove home.


I opened my front door to see Pickle asleep on the couch. I wiped my tears and smiled a bit. I shut the door and went upstairs taking a long nap.

~4 hours later~

I woke up from my phone vibrating. I checked the time and it said '3pm' I slept for that long? Oh well I saw my messages and it was from Maria, Evan and Remington and....Emerson?

I read everyone's message one by one.

MARIA: Hey sis I hope you're okay!! I got the shoot done!! I told the boss that you went home not feeling well!! ILY!!

I smiled slightly then read Evan's message.

EVAN: Iracebeth you okay? Don't forget my concert starts at 7pm!! I can't wait to see you there😝

I giggled at his childishness then read Remington's message.

REMINGTON: Listen, I'm actually very sorry Iracebeth...I know what I did was wrong and if i can go back in time and just restart our relationship I would in a heartbeat...please forgive my stupidness I still love you..

I just sighed and then went to Emerson's message.

EMERSON: hey...wanna hangout on a Sunday?? :)

I looked at my lighten up screen and then said

YOU: sure. :)

I then set my phone down and then within seconds Emerson replied saying

EMERSON: okay! cool! You are going to the concert tonight right or no?

YOU: I might...I don't know because Evan is having a concert today as well. If I do I might be late :(

I set down my phone waiting for his response. And I decided to take a shower and then do my business. Once I got out I decided to curl my now short hair. And went through my closet deciding on what to wear for tonight's concerts.

~15 minutes later~

I finally found my outfit for tonight!!

Its a mellow/bright moment I need my time to shine

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Its a mellow/bright moment I need my time to shine. I put them on and I looked really adorable. I then put on some perfume and then noticed Pickle licking herself. I giggled at her cuteness and then went up to her and kissed her tiny head saying "Mommy has to go somewhere I will be home later on tonight!!"

She just payed down and went to sleep. I grabbed my keys and went out the door. I drove to Evan's concert and noticed ALOT of people outside the arena. I looked for a nice parking spot and then parked my car. I texted Evan saying

You: hey!! I'm here 😀 I have no idea where to go!! there is ALOT of fans out here wanting to see you tonight haha

Moments later I got a message from Evan saying

Evan: HEY!! so glad you can make it tonight!! You can tell the security guard that I sent you and if they don't believe you say the magic word 'Vanossgaming' and then they'll let you in :D

I left him on read and then went up to the security guards and they both gave me a look and a group of girls were mad dogging me. I didn't care about them so I said to the guards "Evan sent me here" they both looked at each other and laughed.

And one of them said "What's the password?" I said "Vanossgaming" they both stopped laughing and let me in which left those group of girls speechless. Once I got in the place was pretty big there was a big bar and tables/chairs and then a big stage.

I heard someone cough and I got scared then I turned around to see a group of guys who were all taller than me. One of them said "who are you?" I'm a deep Irish accent. I said "Iracebeth who are you?" The deep voice of the Irish man said "I'm daithe de nogla but please call me David and that taller dude is Tyler, and the one with the red shirt is Brian"

I was shocked and then I noticed another group with Evan in it was heading our way. Once Evan seen what I was wearing he blushed really hard. And said "Wow you look....beautiful Iracebeth" I smiled

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