Unexpected Guest In Hawaii

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Annies pov - a few moments later i got out of the pool and went back to the hotel room and took a long shower. I was going to get dressed but then my phone rang so i just put on a towel.

I picked up my phone and it was Sydney
Whelp thats strange she never calls me i usually call her.

Annie - Hey Syd

Sydney - Hey Anns i have some exciting news me and Zoe just landed in Hawaii

Annie - wait what really you two should come over and hang with me and my friends in the hotel were staying at.

Sydney - sure uhhm what's the hotel and adress

Annie - well its hotel LaCroix and the address is *******

Sydney - okay well see you in an hour

Annie - bye

Sydney - bye

I rembemberd then that im not dressed so i got dressed.

Outfit :

Bye the time i was done i got extremely bored Carson went to shower and there was a knock on my door i went to open it and there stood zoe and Sydney

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Bye the time i was done i got extremely bored Carson went to shower and there was a knock on my door i went to open it and there stood zoe and Sydney.

Annie - Hey syd, hey zoe
Sydney/zoe - hey anns

Annie - so hows life
Zoe - good
Sydney - amzing, but still miss caleb
Annie - aww its okay we all do it gets bettet i think
Sydney - yeah well and the cops sorta called me yesterday
Annie - yeah i went to the cali cops a few days ago about brennan
Zoe - well me and Sydney kept telling u to do that for ages
Sydney - but why now Ann's

Annie - im tired of living fear running every time i think somethings bad gonna happen. He caused a car accident killed my sister and dad i just snapped and went and told the cops every detail the same day he put Carson in the hospital because i told the cops. I can't loose anyone anymore. Both my parents had cancer it cant be cured my mum not gonna live longer and i don't know what to do and Brennan's already messed my life up enough. Its just too much to deal with on my own.

After i finished the girls hugged me and let me go that's when Carson came out.
He came up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

Carson- hey gorgeous kisses annie on the cheek

Annie - hey babe, blushes, this is zoey and Sydney my maryland freinds.

Carson - nice to meet both of you im Carson.

Sydney /zoe - nice to meet you too

Carson - well im going to hang out with the boys see you later gorgeous

Annie - bye babe, speaking of which why don't i go and introduce you to my girlies and we can go and do something.

Sydney - ok
Zoe - sure why not
Zoe/Sydney - sounds fun

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