Desperation...can't keep your feet underneath you

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Nichkun fumbled quickly with his belt, and then was out of the stall and to the sinks to wash his hands. After a short explanation he left a beaming Min behind, as she silently cheered on her thoughtful Oppa. She'd watched him fall deeper and deeper in love with Taecyeon. When his desperate heart had felt like it could take no more jo kwon had filled her in, and she'd helped him keep it together. The car sped along the freeway as he made his way back to the dorms, and as it got darker he slowed down lost in his own world in the dark quiet car.

His thoughts began to wander, and his heart hammered louder as he got closer to the familiar exit that would take him home. Taecyeon was in that direction, home was there, the things he wanted most were there. Putting on his signal he began to slide the car into the lane when bright headlights sped towards him, and the reckless car ploughed into his side. Nichkhun fought with the wheel as the car careened in and out of the lane, and didn't have time to avoid the road splitter . The car hit the lane seperator, and plunged into the caution barrels.

Water engulfed the windshield as the air bag smacked into his face snapping his neck backwards. Nichkun tried to fight the forward momentum, as the car made one last turn smashing the drivers side into the rail. Then there was silence.... only to be interrupted by the harsh breathing of the cars stunned driver. Warm liquid dribbled down his left eye, as he tried to pull himself back together. The buzzing in his ears was dissipating, and the adrenaline high giving way to a soft exhaustion. The pain came gradually, as he tried to unbuckle his seat belt. First was the stinging at his hairline, the throbbing at his ribs, not to mention his wrist and fingers could barely function enough to fumble with the seatbelt.

After what seemed like forever the belt slipped from its connector, and he listened to the far off sounds of sirens. Panic covered him like a blanket, and Nickhun tried harder to get out of the car. He knew from experience what happened when a celebrities car was in an accident. He'd been lucky tonight, there had been no saesangs or chasing cars. A late night bulletin with his pictures splashed all over the media was the last thing he wanted, so he decided standing on the sidelines would be best. If they caught him there would be conferences, statements, and by the time everything had cooled down Taecyeon might have changed his mind. Being completely honest with himself he realized that he loved Taecyeon to the point of sacrificing his own feelings, even if it got him just one night.

The driver side door was jammed, and with much difficutly Nichkun climbed out the other side, and waited for the authorities. A flurry of activity later he had given his statement, and been bundled off to the hospital for examining. Staring at his phone he knew that there was one number he had to call.

*rinngggggg rinnggggggg ringgggggg*

"Yobseyo?" the grumpy voice of his manager answered the phone.

Quickly outlining the situation he explained what had happened, and that he needed a quiet ride from the hospital before anyone realized he was there. Within minutes he was off the phone, and waiting for his ride. The older man's last question still fresh in his mind.

" Should I tell the members? Taecyeon?"


Slumping farther into the chair in the private waiting room, he pulled the borrowed hoodie down and tried to be invisible. He knew his hyung didn't understand why he hadn't wanted to tell the members. If said anything everyone would wake up and try to baby him, and never leave him alone. He shifted in the seat, and let out a low hiss of pain. His wrist had turned out to be the least of his injuries. The doctor had told him he had sustained cracked ribs, and his neck and collarbone had lovely rings of bruising from contact with the airbag.

Letting out a sigh of relief he heard footsteps walk down the hall, and stop in front his room. The door opened, and his heart nearly stopped as a very angry Taecyeon entered. The pressure in the room built as he stared at Nichkhun with laser like eyes, sweeping over his body making him feel as he were naked and raw. Every hair, every nerve stood at attention as his best friend stalked toward him.

" Lets go." Taecyeon practically growled and turned on his heel and stalked out.

The tense atmosphere followed them after he had gingerly lowered himself into taecyeons car. Ever since they had left the hospital Taecyeon hadn't looked at him. This was the angriest he had ever seen him, the freezing cold of his anger was almost more than Nichkhun could bear. Distracted by the situation he hadn't noticed that they had arrived at Taecyeons apartment instead of the dorms. Ushering in his oblivioius friend, Taecyeon pushed him into the dark room and shut the door.

In a burst of breath stealing pain Nichkhun was pushed against the door, and Taecyeon dominated his mouth. Cradling the Thai boys head, he pushed against him until their bodies were fitted perfectly. Then he surpised him again.

" I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!!" Nichkhuns eyes flew open as Taecyeon flipped the switch on the wall, his eyes filled with fire.

.... To be continued

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