The truth will set you...on fire?

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Taecyeon and Nichkhun spent the next few minutes explaining the kiss, just barely dancing around the fact that Wooyoung was in love with Junho and vice versa. Taecyeon knew that Nichkhun didn't want to get involved, but truthfully given the circumstances he didn't see how they weren't involved already. Truthfully Taecyeon was a little tired of his private time with Nich being constantly he did something insensitive.


Wooyoung picked up the phone, and answered.

"Hey Woo you better get over here, Junho got the shit kicked out of him by some dude tryna steal his shit. Nich's gotta go to the doctor, and he refuses to go to the hospital." Taecyeon did his best to sound urgent and worried. He kept his voice down so Junho or Nich wouldn't hear him.

He could practically hear Woo lose his fucking mind on the phone, and in less than a minute he said he'd be there soon. Discreetly Taecyeon gathered his and Nich's stuff, and got ready for the incoming storm. He knew he was gonna get it, but he didn't care. They loved each was obvious. This might be a dramatic way to do it, but it was time to get them in the same room and it was more fun this way.

He'd barely finished packing everything when someone wildly pushed his doorbell repeatedly. Both Nich and Junho jolted in surprise in the bathroom, and Taecyeon toed on his shoes. He opened the door to a worried Wooyoung who wasted no time practically running to his best friend.

"You okay?" Wooyoung gently gripped Junho's chin rotating his head looking for bruises. His hands patting over him as if he were made of glass and about to break. So caught up in looking over the man that he loved he didn't notice Taecyeon ushering a protesting Nichkhun out the door, or them closing the door behind them.

Junho was in heaven as Wooyoung fussed over him, he had no idea what was going on, but the look in his best friends eyes were salve for his battered soul. Grabbing Woo's hands he couldn't help the small laugh.

"Woo what are you looking for?" he enjoyed the sensation of holding his hands, silently reminding himself not to thread their fingers together.

"Bruises...blood, broken bones?.....Taec said some jackasses kicked the shit out of you and you wouldn't go to the hospital," Wooyoung let out an exasperrated sigh as he realized that he'd been had by the big loser. But he couldn't quite force himself to let go of Junho's hands, he liked they way they felt...he liked being right where he was.

Junho watched as something foreign flickered in the eyes of his best friend. He didn't know if it was because of his talk with Nichkhun, or if he was just tired of pretending to not feel anything but he decided to take a chance. After all it seemed that his members had for some reason set them both up, and they were all alone in the apartment.

Taking Woo's palm and laying it flat against his chest, Junho stepped farther into the other males arms.

" I'm heart beats just fine, and there are no bruises or broken bones," He stared into the familiar face.

This time he didn't back down, or make excuses as he stared into the eyes of the only person he'd really loved. He felt guilty even now for those 3 years of wasted time with Seri, who had always been like a sister too him, but they'd tried to make it more because they had felt it was the right thing to do. He'd lied to himself, his family, his friends, and his members about who he truly was and what he truly wanted.

The biggest truth of his life was that the one and only thing he had every really wanted, other than to make music was currently standing in front of him eyes locked on him in confusion. So Junho did the one thing he'd always been afraid to do, and leaned forward and kissed Wooyoung. At this point they had both been leaning against the bathroom counter, and suddenly Junho was pushed up against it.

The kiss sent coalescing circles of pleasure throughout him, and he opened his mouth for more, and shivered as he felt more than heard Wooyoung moan against his lips. Strong hands slid around his waist and he found himself plastered from chest to calves to his best friend. The kisses were getting deeper and deeper, and Junho could feel himself getting hard.

In a panic he tapped Woo's arm trying to escape before he felt Junho against his leg, and was surprised when Wooyoung refused. Instead he crowded him further against the sink, kissing him as if his life depended on it. His thigh rubbing against him inside his pants pushing stunning pleasure through him robbing him of his ability to stand, but Woo had him pinned so tightly he couldnt collapse.

And then they had switched places, and Woo was the one against the counter this time dragging Junho closer. His left hand firmly around his waist fingers drawing circles in the patch of exposed skin above his ass, and his right hand buried in the hair behind his head as he seared the taste of him into Junho's mind. His thigh kept up it's constant pressure, and Junho could feel his impending orgasm.

He panicked a second time but it was too late, and could do nothing but moan into Wooyoung's mouth as he jerked inside of his pants cum filling the space between his underwear and his waistband. Tears slid down his face as he tried not to openly cry, He knew Woo had kissed him and they'd gotten carried away, but kissing was different than cumming. Fearing that he'd be hated made him cry even harder.

He hadn't realized that Wooyoung had pulled back in concern, or that he was currently wiping away his tears with such a worried look on his face.

" what's the matter?," Wooyoung desperately tried to get his best friend to stop crying," Jun I'm sorry I thought it's what you wanted, and then I got carried away. I'm sorry...please don't cry. I hate it when you cry."

He kept saying sweet things over and over until Junho finally calmed down, and the things he'd been saying finally seemed to make it through the panicky haze. He was asking for forgiveness looking like he was gonna cry himself, saying how much he loved much he'd always loved him and... Junho paused at that sentence, and looked up into the face of his pleading best friend and cupped his face in both hands.

"Say that again...please," he tried to tamp down on the desperation afraid that he'd been hearing things.

" I said I won't do that to you again, but I've always loved you and when you kissed me I thought..." Wooyoung repeated his words only to be cut off again.

Hope and so much mored soared through Junho, and he leaned forward and kissed Wooyoung deeply. "Please say it one more time," he begged him with his eyes.

Realizing finally what he was asking he crowded more into Junho's space, and kissed him softly.

" I love you...I love you...I love you...I love you," smiling softly he leaned forward and put every ounce of feeling he had into that kiss.

Pulling back Woo found Junho's eyes full of stars, love, and him.

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