- part fifteen

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i glanced into hyungwon's room. he is getting ready for his photoshoot. he sprayed some perfume and wore a watch.

" hyungwon-ah" i called him. he looked up and raised his eyebrows. i entered his room, smiling like a fool i am.

" can i follow you to your work. im very bored inside the huge mansion. can i ?" i did my pouty puppy face. he was startled.

" ask changkyunnie first" he said.

" changkyun gave me permission. he said that i need to ask you hehe" i said. he just answered sure and nodded.

i was so happy and excited that i headed to the room and changed my clothes.

i was suffocating just staying in this mansion for quite sometimes. the members rarely go out so i can't go out either. they said the outside world is too dangerous and blah blah blah shit.

but today is m chance. hyungwon often goes out for his photoshoot and all that model stuff. so this is my time to fucking shine.

i put on a large knit cardigan because it was cold

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i put on a large knit cardigan because it was cold. i can't stand cold that well.

i headed to the living room where hyungwon waited me there. but the others were also there.

" bye bye, my friends" i said and waved to them. i hugged changkyun.

" make sure to stick with hyungwon only. don't go alone" kihyun warned me. he packed me some snacks for me. such a cutie.

" and hyungwon, take care yooa. dont let her wander alone" wonho said to hyungwon. hyungwon just nodded.

" take care honey" changkyun said and kissed my forehead. i smiled widely and waved at them goodbye.

we entered hyungwon's car and drove to the city. i was watching the outside world. its been awhile since we were going out together.

we stopped at the studio. today is the dazed korea shoot.

we entered the studio and greeted all the staffs there. some of the staffs asked me who the hell am i. i just answered that im hyungwon's friends.

hyungwon started his photoshoot. while me ate the snacks that kihyun made for me. its gimbap and cheese balls. i played my phone for a while.

but its getting boring in the studio. i need fresh air. but hyungwon was busy retouching his makeup so i asked him.

" can i go out for a second ? to get some fresh air ?"

hyungwon replied okay and nodded.

" make sure come back as soon as possible" he added. i exited the room and go out. today the weather is kinda chilly. i took some shots and some selfies too.

i was so immersed in taking some shots that someone from behind dragged me inside a black van. i tried to scream but someone cupped my mouth and nose using towel.

chloroform ? then the world turned black.

after the photoshoot

hyungwon done his photoshoot and wanted to headed home. but yooa is not coming back yet. so hyungwon called yooa. no answers.

he headed outside and tried to find her. he tried to call her many times. but still no answers.

" oh shit"

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