"Alright class, I expect to have those papers on my desk by the end of the week. No exceptions!" The class emptied out as the bell rang, I was the last to leave. It wasn't even lunchtime and I've already run into a hyperactive pink bubble girl and a purple egghead... Wonder who else is in this place. I walk down the hallway, heading toward the cafeteria when I feel something soft rub against my leg. "What the?" I look down and couldn't help but smile, it was a small white rabbit, "hey there little guy, how'd you get here?" "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I am SO sorry!" I see a girl run over to me. Damn she was tall! She was pretty skinny but her chest was like massive like... Pillows and her hair was a dull pink with one yellow tipped highlight. She wore a yellow turtleneck and a pink skirt with leggings. I blinked a few times before finally responding, "Uh n-no worries. No harm done" I smile softly, handing her rabbit to her, "Thank you so much! Angel! Bad boy, what did mommy tell you about running off like that?" She gave him a hug, "oh if one of the staff caught you I might not ever see you again" "Cute pet" She blushed, "Th-thanks..." "Name's RainbowDash" "I'm Fluttershy..." She spoke softly but I managed to catch her name, "Fluttershy?" She nodded, "nice name" I couldn't help but smile at her blushing face, "Ah well I-I better g-get going..." My smile slowly disappeared, "I'll see you around then?" She smiled and nodded, "Yeah... I'd like that" She quickly turned, her hair falling in her face and walked away. I headed to the cafeteria where I was meet by a full room of hungry students. It was almost overwhelming. I snaked my way through the heavy crowd and grabbed an apple. I was never much of a big eater. I found a table that was more isolated than the rest and sat down, I wasn't looking for any attention.... The students wouldn't be able to handle it yet. I took a bite of my apple and thought to myself. I must've been in deep thought cause when I came back to reality, I was greeted by two familiar faces and two unfamiliar ones. "Uh hello?" I glanced over from Pinkie and Twilight to the other two. One wore a white cashmere sweater with a purple necklace and her shiny purple hair was tied in a long ponytail. The other one was a dirty blonde in a cowboy with an athletic body. She wore an orange muscle shirt with some dusty jeans. Not too bad looking if I did say so myself. "OHMIGOSH YOU GUYS" Pinkie startled everyone at the table with her sudden outburst, "THIS is RainbowDash! RainbowDash, this is Rarity and AppleJack!" She squealed as she made the introductions, "Hello darling" "Howdy, nice to meet y'all" "It's 'nice to meet you' sweetie" "That's what I said gosh darn it!" "Um guys...." Twilight interrupted, "Hm?" Rarity glanced at me, "right so RainbowDash, PinkiePie here tells us you're new" I take another bite of my apple and nod, "Uh huh.... Me and my sister, Scootaloo" Suddenly, Raity's eyes widen and she let out a gasp, "Did.... Did you say Scootaloo?" I raise a brow and nod again, "Uh yeah why?" She tightly hugged me, "Thank you oh so much!" I chocked back spit, "For what?" "Your sister, Scootaloo, saved my little sister from the school bullies earlier today" I blinked a few times, "You serious?" "Yes, Sweetiebelle went on and on about how brave she was to stand up for her... So please, thank your sister for me will you dear?" "Sure thing Rarity" "Well would you look at that? Already making new friends and it's only the first day" Applejack said with a laugh as Raity laid her head on her shoulder. "HEY RainbowDash! You wanna be friends with all of us?" Twilight glared at Pinkie before glancing over at me, "We'd really like it if you could RainbowDash" "WE'D LIKE IT A LOT" "Pinkie! Relax" Twilight rubbed Pinkie's head as if to calm her down, "Uh.... I'm... Not sure..... I never really made this many friends this fast.... I mean just a few minutes ago I met a real shy girl and her rabbit..." "Fluttershy" the group said in unison, "Woah... You guys know her?" "Are you KIDDING ME?" Twilight laughed softly, "Yes she's probably out helping the animals again" "She just love them little critters" Applejack said in between bites of her lunch. Rarity gave a look of disgust, "For goodness sake Applejack, please make sure your mouth is empty before you speak" Applejack swallowed a mouthfull of food before looking at Rarity, "Well sorry miss manners...didnt think I'd have to act all fancy while Im chowing down" She stuffed her face again while Rarity sighed and shook her head, "I dont know how I put up with you" She kissed AppleJack on the cheek, "but you're worth it" I smiled at the group of friends that sat around me, "So you guys are all together?" "Yep! Twi and me!" "Twi and I" Twilight corrected, "No silly! You cant be with yourself! Anyway, its Twi and me and AppleJack and Rarity are a couple too!" Twilight smiled, "Even if they do argue a lot" "Well it aint my fault!" "Nor is it mine" Rarity stood up, "well as fun as this has been, I must be going. Fashion plans and what have you" She gave AppleJack a kiss before giving us a wave, "ta ta" We watched as Rarity left, "So RainbowDash, how are you liking Equestria High?" Twilight asked, "Oh its pretty cool....lot of people here though" "Yeah, it can be pretty hectic at times" The bell rings, letting the students know that lunch was over, "Woah time to go already?" "Yeah!" Pinkie quickly stood up, "time for the next class and then the class after that! And then WE GO HOME!" Twilight shook her head, smiling, "So we'll see you later RainbowDash?" The group looked at me with hope, "Uh yeah.... Sure thing" After everyone said their goodbyes I made my way down the opposite hallway. I looked at my schedule and smiled, "Alright PE! Finally something I can totally rock at!" I quickly ran down the hall to the gym, ready to show off my stuff.
Ugh this chapter was oddly long.... But only because I didn't really know how to end it so that'll explain the.... Ending I guess.... But no worries, the next chapter will be slightly better.... Hopefully.... Anyway keep on reading, voting, loving, hating, commenting the story :3
Later days