I drove Scootaloo to Rarity's place so she could hang out with Sweetiebelle for the day. "Cmon tell me who it is" she pestered me the entire drive, "Its no one Scoot now leave me alone" I chuckled as I pulled in the driveway, "Wow, fancy lookin place" "Yeah totally. Its super cool" We get out the car and head to the door, "So just text me whenever youre ready for me to get you alright? I got a few things I need to do" I said as I knocked, "Will do" Rarity opened the door and gave me a hug, "Hello darling! Such a pleasure to see you" "Yeah...good to see you too Rarity. Thanks again for little Scoot come over and chill" "Oh its no trouble at all dear! I absolutely just love Scootaloo and its nice for my little Sweetiebelle to have a friend to hang out with. Come in come in!" She walks inside and lets us in, "Uh actually Rarity I cant really stay I have a couple-" "Oh I wont keep you long dear, at least stay for a bite to eat" I sigh, "Alright but after that Im out" "Of course. Oh Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle is up in her room you can go up and see her" "Alright, see you later RainbowDash" She gave me a quick hug before heading upstairs. "So RainbowDash, lets talk"