"Good Morning Katherine."

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After the papers were published, the Washington Post went back to the slow ways of press, a good story every now and then, and a constant battle with the New York Times over who got to the ins and outs of the governments sly ways. Kay had become more strong and felt more comfortable now in her job, she was respected for her decision still, maybe not by the white house but the media and public adored her strong leadership. She also felt fit for the job, she didn't feel like she was a replacement to Phil or to her father. Kay's mind was always thinking about the decision, thinking about the what ifs, and what Phil would have said. But nevertheless, it didn't matter anymore, the decision was made now and Phil was gone.
Ben on the other hand had a slightly different life after the papers. Though he was always respected, and it remained that way, in his home life Tony had left with Marina after they struggled to keep a steady home life and relationship, and Ben found life a little dragging and pointless. He often took a long walk home through the park, not wanting to go back to his empty, cold house no longer filled with the warmth of a child or a woman's touch. He always sat in his office day dreaming, and often got carried away in his thoughts, struggling to concentrate. Kay always understood though, she knew the feeling of being left, but even though it was a different type of grief. All the men around the office, and his secretary would worry about him he seemed distracted like he had something at the back of his mind.

Monday Morning, 7:30am
Stepping out a yellow taxi, Kay's heels clacked on the concrete, matching to her assistants clacking as they made their way through the lobby.
"You have a meeting at 9, and then lunch with Ben, and the-"
Kay stopped in her steps, so her assistant stopped unloading her schedule. Ben had walked in, his shirt neatly tucked in and hair brushed back with gel, he neatened the navy tie and then checked through the files under his arm. Kay looked dreamily at him, she bit her lip in admiration and love, thinking about what they would talk about at lunch, what they would eat, what he would say....
"Ms Graham..?" Her assistant whispered, breaking Kay's day dream.
"Mhm yes." Kay said a little firmly, enjoying her day dream that was rudely interrupted.
"Your schedule?"
Ben strolled over with his tight smile and a hand in his pocket, holding the files with the other. Kay smiled sweetly.
"Good morning Katherine,"

Kay and Ben: Behind the papersWhere stories live. Discover now