The Sound Of The Radio

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When Ben opened is eyes, laying on a hospital bed he saw Kay, her big dreamy eyes wide open, smiling at him. He gasped and felt tears, he kissed her and moved his seat closer so he could smell her perfume and be in her presence. Kay sniggered.
"O-Oh Kay, you're ok oh, I-I'm so relived" Ben giggled rubbing his head. The doctor strolled in, and smiled seeing them both immersed in one another.
"Mr Bradlee, Katherine will be fine to go home tonight, no brain damage or anything, just a bruise and some migraines for a while..." The doctor smiled again seeing Ben's face glow with his shiny white teeth being shown off as he laughed with relief again. Kay smiled weakly, she was rather dosed up on pain-killers, and knew soon enough the pain would kick in but she would rather been in her own home with Ben to cuddle.
"C-Can I go home now?" Kay said softly.
"Yes yes, be careful though, Mr Bradlee keep an eye on her and I recommend working from home for a while. Also, the man who hit her has been arrested, and i'm sure they will keep you updated." The doctor left, and stood up, and helped Kay from the bed. Kay leaned on him, she felt rather weak, probably a mix of falling on the floor and pain-killers. Kay placed a kiss on Ben's cheek, and he wrapped his coat round her. They strolled out, and Fritz ran up to them, with the same shiny smile Ben had. "Oh god Kay, I-I'm glad you're alright," He giggles weakly as his fingers slipped through his sweaty hair. Ben giggled, Kay let out a soft giggle.
"The taxi is round the corner, I'll tell the office you're alright" He laughed again as he was in complete awe of how lucky she was to have just dodged a bullet, or dodged a punch. They got down in the back of the taxi, It was about 7pm now, and due to the winter season, the city had already started to show off the bright lights. Kay gazed out the window, wrapped in Ben's coat and cologne, and bit her lip with a smile as she looked out the window like a child. Both of them adored the city, especially at times like these. It was silent in the car, apart from the faint sound of the radio, which was blasting "I want to hold your hand," by The Beatles. They giggled, Ben held her hands, and kissed them.
"When I, say that something..." Kay sang softly.
"I wanna hold your handdddd!" They both sang, and then laughed at how dorky they were. Before they knew it, they both felt sleepy as they pulled onto the townhouse's road, and Ben paid the driver. He went to Kay's side, and scooped her out of the car seat, and picked her up holding her like a baby and close to him. Kay laughed again, as they went through the door and Ben locked the door as he carried his Kay-Bear upstairs, and laid her on the bed. Gently, he undid her blouse and pulled her skirt down, placed a few kisses on her stomach and then unclipped her bra, replacing it with a silk nightie.
"How's the pain baby girl?" Ben said caringly.
She nodded. "It's alright, starting to creep back now" Kay said softly, and took her earrings out, and wiped her makeup off. Ben got into his nightwear, and grabbed Kay some water and pain-killers, then helped her into bed and wrapped his arms round her, holding her head gently to his chest. Kay kissed his chest hair, and closed her eyes, and let out a content sigh as she did.
"Wake me if you feel pain, or if you feel a-"
"Benny angel, I will darling but please don't fuss over me" She giggled saying.
"I just worry..." He laughed and kissed her cheek. They both fell asleep, in each other's arms.
The next morning, Ben got up early before her, and strolled into her office. Her assistant, Jane, walked through the door with Kay's documents and bells and whistles for work.
"Thanks Jane, call us if Kay has anything important and keep us updated on Arthur.." Ben said huskily. Jane nodded and smiled, she was also very relived Kay was alright, since they had become quite close and she admired Kay a lot. She whisked out the door again, and then Ben saw a blue nightgown wrapped around her as she strolled downstairs. Ben smiled, as Kay's smile grew seeing Ben had made her office more cozy and all her work transported. She kissed him.
"Oh aren't you a little minx, you got up early so I was happy to work" Kay said giggling, and Ben kissed her.
"No work yet though Mrs, a cuddle and relaxing day today, what about a movie, maybe a bath too... dinner in the garden?" Ben smirked, he was such a romantic. Kay nodded.
"Yes Dr Bradlee..." Kay said with a smile.

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