Chapter 28 Finale: Whispers in the Dark

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Du Dröp Dead

The place was full of people around this time, mostly because the majority just came out of work, but they had the same dead look in their eyes as yours, so it wasn't too big of a deal. After finishing a bottle of beer, you told Roy about what happened within the two days. Although it was difficult for you to explain the situation, Roy listened intently and nodded as he kept drinking. As you finished your side of the story, Roy gave a loud burp while you sighed.

Roy: "So after all that, Rose Quartz was Pink Diamond this whole time? Shit."

Y/N: "Yeah, Jasper didn't take kindly from hearing that."
Roy: "I would too if anybody that I knew was my enemy." You sighed. "You sure you're doing okay after that?"
Y/N: "Not really, no. If you hadn't found me, I would've gone through another rampage."

Roy: "Yeah, no shit. Heard from dispatch you blew a robber to bits."

Y/N: "He got in my way, it's justified."
Roy: "*Sigh* Whatever. You gotta be a bit more careful about this, man. I'd hate to put you behind bars."

Y/N: "Wouldn't be the first time."
Roy: "Yeah, I know. I've read your file. Gotta say, man. You really know how to make a scare."
Y/N: "Meh, you win some. You lose a few hundred."
Roy: "I hear that. *Burps* Are you thinking about coming back to your home anytime soon?"
Y/N: "I'll think it over."

Roy: "That's fine. And hey, don't worry about Jasper. I'm sure she'll be back with you."
Y/N: "What makes you so sure?"
Roy: "*Burps* Hey, I still know a thing or two about women."

Y/N: "Oh, right. You used to be straight."
Roy: "Hey, fuck you."
Y/N: "*Chuckles* Not with a married man, I won't."
Roy: "*Laughs* You're not wrong, that's for sure."

As you and Roy kept laughing a drunk woman bumped into you and spilled her beer on you, but you didn't care.

Roy: "*Slurred* Hey, watch where ya going!"
Drunk woman: "What, you wanna fight me?"

Roy: "Fighting women? *Burps* Not my thing."

Drunk woman: "*Ogling Roy* There are other ways to get physical."
Roy: "Lady, I'm an Officer, not some gigolo!"

Y/N: "It's no big deal, Roy. It's just beer."

Drunk woman: "And what about you, Big Boy? Wanna have some fun?"
Y/N: "I'd rather not."

Drunk woman: "*Scoffs* Fuck you too, asshole!"

The lady walked away as you sighed again.

Roy: "The fuck was her problem?"
Y/N: "Meh, who cares?"

Roy: "I sure as hell don't. *Looks at the Karaoke machine* How about we sing? That'll cheer you up."
Y/N: "You go ahead. I don't wanna sing right now."
Roy: "*Burps* Suit yourself." Roy stood up from the counter and walked over to the Karaoke machine. It didn't matter if you went and sang with him, the songs would've been sad and depressing as much as you were.

Y/N: "*Sigh* (Are you seriously gonna keep sighing? It's done nothing for you this far.) So was trying to be alone, but then again, you're always in my head. (Yeah, until I'm no longer corrupted. Then I'll have my own life. Is that what you want me to say, Corpse?) No... (Well, quit your damn bitching and be a man. I'm sick and tired of you acting like it's the end of the world.) Might as well be. (Like what that human said, Jasper will most likely be with you again.) After all that? (Yes. Now get up on stage and sing, you big jackass.)"

As Roy finished singing, he left the stage and you came up.

Roy: "Oh, now ya wanna sing?"
Y/N: "Shut up, I'm not doing it for you."
Roy: "Aight, go ahead. I got the mic all warmed up for you."
Y/N: "Gee, thanks."

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