Ever since i visited LA for a holiday last year, i have wanted to go back and completely settle down there for the rest of my life, the UK is boring! One day i plan on moving there and never coming back!
I snap out of my thoughts because my phone was vibrating because my older sister Avani was face-timing me!
(A mean Avani) Me:Hey, what's up! A: Nothing just missing my little sister Me: Aww, well you do know it's 9am here right A: Oh sorry i didn't wake you did i? Me: No i've been awake for ages A: I have a question for you Me: shot A: How would you like to come to the hype house for 2 weeks? Me: Omg are you joking?! A: NO!, everyone is dying to meet you! Me: Wait how do they know about me? A: I talk about you a lot! Me: Ohhhh A: Oh and I want you to meet some people Chase, Thomas, and Tony Me: As soon as I see Tony i just stare at him A: *Coughs* hellllo earth to Cara!!! Me:Oh yeah, hi A: Your flight is at 5pm tonight!! Me:Sweet, i better get packed then! i will let you know when i'm on the plane A: Ok speak later!!
I couldn't believe it i'm going to LA!
later that day It's 2pm and i have all my stuff packed so i quickly jump in the shower and get into some comfy clothes
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i just put my hair up in a messy ponytail because it's going to be a long 12 hour flight!
Arriving at the airport I arrive at the airport my taxi driver was nice he helped with my cases, i've checked in and i go to the shop to get some snacks and a few magazines It's time to board the flight and i'm flying first class because Avani was so kind Skip to when landing I've just landed and i texted Avani that i was here, and she texted back saying "ok, just leaving!" i've got all my luggage and i'm waiting for Avani, and i saw Avani and she must of saw me first she jumped of me within seconds! Someone was with her so i said to her "Aint you gonna introduce me to your friend" She replied "omg stupid me, this is addison!" I turn and speak to addison "hey, nice to meet you, i'm Cara" She replied shocked "wow, that's and unusual name!" we all laughed
We got to the car, Addison shouts who was Starbucks?! Me and Avani say at the same time "ME!!" So we go to starbucks and Avani messages everyone in the house and asked what they want starbucks, we get everyone's order and head back to the car, Avani asks me really confused "So, Cara what was that about yesterday when you saw Tony!?" I reply embarrassed "oh nothing" Addison then interrupts and says "oh cuuuute you have a crush on Tony" We all laugh, my face was red and i replied "no, he's just cute"
Anyways we arrived at the house I start feeling nervous and Avani calms me down
Avani: It's ok they are all really nice and we will look after to you. Cara: promise? Avani: promise