I've just got back with all the supplies that i bought from target. I walked in the house and it was so quiet and it is never ever quiet in the house so i was confused.
Dre: Yo Nick
Nick: Ye, whats up
Dre: Why is everyone quite today?
Nick: Oh did you not see Tony's text to the group to be quiet because Cara is not well.
Dre: Oh that makes sense, do you know if they are still in Cara's room or not?
Nick: I think they are they haven't come out yet so yeah.
Dre: Ok cheers bro
I walked up to Cara's room and knocked on the door but got know answer, so i walked in and Cara and Tony were both asleep cuddling, so i messaged to hype house groupchat to come up but be quiet Hypehouse
Dre: Yo everyone come up to Cara's room, there's something cute i wanna show you Nick: Ok bro, i will bring everyone up Dre: Ok bro see you in a sec
After a few minutes of waiting there was a knock on the door, i opened it and everyone was standing there
Dre: Shhh come in
Addi: OMG they are soooo cuuuute
Nick: I mean Tony was right Cara isn't well
Thomas: Ondreaz do you think that we should
Dre: I think we need to get them together, because Tony defo likes her, he is never like this with any girl
Nick/Addie/Thomas: REALLY!
Dre: Yes, But for god sake be fucking quite
Addie: I have a plan, when Cara wakes up i will ask her how sees feeling and if shes feeling better i will ask her if see wants a girls night then i can ask her how she feels about Tony!
Dre: Good idea, i will do the same with Tony but a boys night!
Nick: Ok well lets leave them to it they are so cute!
Cara's POV:
Haha do you know what is funny is that Nick, Addie, Dre and Thomas didn't know that i can hear everything they were saying. But does Tony really like me tho? I honestly don't think he does but i guess i can't read his mind. I looked over to him and saw he was a sleep too, he was such a cute sleeper! Ahh come on Cara don't fall for a boy you hardly know. I went on my phone for a bit because i don't want to wake Tony up if i move. So what i did was take a picture of Tony asleep!
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Liked By: Ondreazlopez, Charlidamelio and 3467,000 others
Cara.Hutchins_: He's such a cute sleeper hehe [Tagged, Tonylopez]
Addisonrae: I 100% shippppp
Ondreazlopez: I hope you feel better, love you lil sis
^Cara.Hutchins_:Thank Dre, i love you big bro
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I am so happy i feel so lucky to have all these amazing friends they are so perfect i love them all. I started to hear Tony move, he was laying on y chest which is sooo cute
Tony: Hey, how you feeling
Cara: Oh hey your finally awake, I feel a lot better actually!
Tony: That's good, do you wanna go down stairs to get something to eat?
Cara: Sure, let me get changed, can i borrow a jumper?
Tony: Yeah sure!
He takes his jumper off and gives it to me, its so warm! I think i love him
A/N; Thank you for 1.k views it means a lot to me, i will update soon i promise x x