The house is huge! Me: Woah! it's bigger than i expected Addison: Ikr!! Anyways let's go and meet everyone! Me: (whispers) hope everyone likes me We got my suitcases out of the trunk and walk up to the front door and it 10x the size of me! I ring the door bell and we are greeted by the boss of the house Thomas.
Thomas: Hey! i'm Thomas and you must be Cara! Its so nice to meet! Cara: Hey it's nice to meet you too, oh we also bought everyone starbucks too!! Thomas: Oh cool thanks, well anyways come on in and meet everyone! Cara: Sweet!
The house was amazing its huge and pretty it feels like i'm in a dream! Everyone came running in to meet me, i kinda got a little scared and Avani could see that so she shouted to everyone "go and sit down!" everyone already took there drinks and was sitting there and waiting like a puppy to be taking on a walk, i walked over to them very cockily and stated my name and everything about me Cara: Wassup, my name is Cara and i'm 19, i like dance and singing and... Before i got to continue someone butted in. It was Tony the boy i thought was cute yesterday
Tony: wait you dance and sing? Me: Yeah i'll show you all later, i'll tell you what i'll put on a show Everyone: Yessss!! Avani: Are you sure? you wasn't confident ear- Me: Nope i'm fine now i will do it, everyone be down here in 2 hrs
Everyone got up to do their own things and Addison and Charli said they have a slight problem
Me: What's the problem Addison: You kind of have to share a room with um Charli: Tony! Me: *Me trying to stay cool* oh yeah that's totally fine! Addison: Omg are you sure! Me: Yeah!! Addison and Charli: Come on let's show you to your room!!
i followed them and knocked on the door and no one was in there so we just walked in and put my stuff down and i realised that there's two beds and i let out a sigh of relief. Then all of a sudden we hear someone cough which made us jump, i turn around and see it's tony!
Me Addison and Charli: Holy shit you scared us!! Tony: Well no shit *laughs* Me: Fuck you! Tony: dw i will! Addison and Charli: Ok we gonna leave you two love birds bye! Me: Ok, Wait what?! Charli: Oh nothing Tony: So, yesterday when you was on the time phone to avani and i came up behind her, why did you stare at me for a long time? Me: huh? Oh...Um, i wasn't staring you were actually *blushes* Tony: Oh dw Avani told me that you cold me cute btw!! Me: Ima kill that bitch!! Tony: No don't worry about her! ik i'm cute *laughs* Me: Mr. full of your self i see! Tony: Very Very funny! Also your bed is the one nearest to the bathroom! Me: Sweet, ima get changed so into something comfy so i can do the show for everyone, so run along get out!!
Tony just stands there with his arms crossed and shaking his head no.
Me: come on do you want me to do the show or not! Tony: Ok fine!
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here's your outfit You go down stairs and set up everything like the microphone and all the chairs, while your doing that Ondrea comes up to you
Ondrea: Hey, um do you need any help? Me: Actually, yeah, can you help set up the chairs and make sure nothing is on the floor please! Ondrea: Yeh sure
While Ondrea is doing that i test the microphone to see if it's working, i'm only doing to make Ondrea jump. i test it and it scares the hell out of Ondrea. Anyways while i was finishing up all i could think about was Tony i don't know why but he was just on my mind! I snapped out of my thoughts and got back to picking a song, i decided i'm just going to sing because it's quite a loving song and i'm going to try and aim it at Tony to see if he realises!
Me on the microphone: EVERYONE GET YOUR SMALL ARSES IN HERE!!! Everyone started gathering around i know that's not everyone coz Tony was missing so i shouted on the microphone Me: TONY FUCKING LOPEZ GET YOUR FAT ARSE HERE!!!! Tony: What? Me: I'm singing now sit!!
I finished singing and everyone was amazed at me apart from avani because she already knew i could sing. she came up to me and said
Avani: I didn't think you would actually do that! i'm proud of you! also who was the song aimed at? i know it's aimed at someone so don't even bother denying it! Me: well the name of the song is called falling hard and honestly i think i'm falling hard for Tony like really Bad! What do i do? What if he don't like me back, he probably don't but uno... Avani: Jeeze calm down! Ah shit Me: What? Avani: Look behind you! You turn around to see Tony "oh shit" you thought to your self! You just looked down. Tony: Well what person wouldn't like you! You have an amazing voice and you can dance! You seem like a really nice girl, your pretty!! Your everything a man/boy wants! He pulls me into a hug, he makes me feel safe, he makes me feel a different way
A/N Hey guys, sorry i haven't uploaded a lot i had a lot of school work to do, but don't worry there will be loads more coming!! Also sorry i needed it to be left on a cliffhanger so the tension will build up!! thanks for reading!!