Its been 3 days since you and Tony have confessed tour feelings for each other. All you've done is watch movies all day and talk to everyone in the house. You have gotten really close with Tony and Addison and of course Dre. But you woke up this morning feeling, you have a banging headache so you decide to wake tony up.
You get out of bed and walk to Tony and Dre's room. You knock on the door just to make sure no one is getting changed or anything, then you hear Dre
Cara: Hi Dre
Dre: Hi- oh shit you don't look well
Cara: I know that is why i came to see if you or Tony were awake
Dre: Ok, well you just need to go back to bed and i will get you some medicine form target ok Cara: Ok thanks Dre
Ondreaz POV:
I felt so bad that Cara doesn't feel well so i'm going to the shop to get her some medicine and some candy to make her feel better, but first i need to wake tony up and tell him about Cara
Dre: Yo, tony get up!
No response
Dre: Cara is not well i'm going to target to get somethings to make her feel better and i need you to comfort her in her room now
Tony: Oh shit, Ok let me put some comfy clothes on and i will take one of my hoodies for her with me.
Cara's POV
I hate feeling sick! I heard Dre calling tony 'Antonio Levi Lopez' i found that funny but i couldn't laugh. So i just snuggled up on my bed and turned my tv on and watch (whatever your fave Netflix series is). After ten minutes of watching it theres a knock on my door
Cara: Come in!
Tony: Oh shit Dre was right you are not well
Cara: I guess so, do you need anything?
Tony: Yes actually i need to come and cuddle you! *so he comes and cuddles you*
Cara: Awww your so cute! Tony: I know right *he laughs*
I just ignored his silly comment and carry on watching what i was watching until i fell asleep on Tony chest, he was just so warming and made me feel safe
Tony's POV:
I thought Cara went really quite but when i looked down she was asleep, she looked so peaceful, so i didn't move or leave her side, but i decided to message the house to tell them about Cara.
Tony: Yo guys keep all noise down today Cara is not well, so if there is any noise i will kill you all!
Thomas: Ok do you need anything?
Tony: No, dre has gone to target to get stuff but Cara is asleep at the moment .
Nick: I will come up in a bit to look after her if you want so you can go and do things
Tony: Yeah sure i will tell you when to come up.
So i decided to post this on Instagram
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liked by, Addisonrae,ondreazlopez_ and 6,08361 others Lopez_Tony: Get well soon Bub❤️ Comments: Addisonrae: Get well soon Cara we all love you lots❤️ Ondreazlopez_: Get better soon, on my way back with supplies Load more comments Cara's POV: I woke up and realised i fell asleep on Tony, I looked to my left and see he was asleep aswell, so i decided to cuddle up on him and go back to sleep, Ah i hope i'm not falling for him!
A/N, Hi everyone sorry it's taken me so long to update but i've had school, also ik this one is short but i will be updating tomorrow x