Chapter 22 - Look through my eyes

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---Kim's POV---

The pack was gathering closer now that they knew I was joining them for a run. It would give them the opportunity to see my wolf for the first time whilst I would be able to see them, really see them for the very first time.

I took a deep breath and smiled as the arm around my waist softly squeezed me, letting me know that Will was still standing beside me. The small brush of his hand focused my mind on the clothes he gave me when his parents left our room after I shifted. They felt slightly different than any other clothes I had ever felt.

The shirt wasn't too snug but it felt...light, alive in a sense. Will had tried to explain to me that scientists had changed the microfibers in the clothes, which allowed them to temporarily fuse with the body tissues during a shift. Afterwards, the tissues separated again and left the werewolf in his clothes instead of naked.

Honestly, they lost me when they started speaking the fusing of the tissues on a cellular level. All I needed to know was that I wouldn't transform back in the nude whenever I felt the need to shift to my wolf and back.

Will's fingers squeezed again while a chuckle rumbled through his chest, making me aware that I missed something crucial. I tilted my head back to look in his general direction, raising a hand up so I could judge his mood by his expressions. He was smiling widely, softly shaking his head before he placed a kiss on my hair.

"What's so funny?" He replied with another soft chuckle before he lowered his head slightly to breathe the answer in my ear, though it wasn't necessary, since my hearing was as sharp as his...maybe even sharper.

"Just picked up on Dad's thoughts and he kind of forgot the fact that Mom had asked him to contact the other packs of your change and of our search for Carlos. He did neither of them when he got an old friend on the phone."

I laughed with him, hearing the breathy laughs as they brushed over my face, the soft apologies and whispered excuses from Will's father as he groveled at his mate's feet. My head turned slightly when I heard faint footsteps coming closer.

Shock flooded through my body when the newcomers' scents assaulted my nostrils, making me sharply aware that I could smell them though they weren't even near me. I heard my wolf chuckle softly in my head as my nose scrunched up at the two scents.

One of them smelled more...natural, like the person had spent a long time in nature while the other smelled more familiar, making me smile before I said, "Hey sis, how's the pack life going for you?"

I felt Will freeze behind me before he shook himself. "Still have to get used to your heightened senses love. You smelled them, right?" He asked in a mixture of pride and surprise.

"What the hell Kim! I didn't say a thing and you just know who I am?" Karen exclaimed in shock, making us laugh even harder before her mate pulled her closer to whisper in her ear. "Your sister has been changed so her senses have heightened even more."

I did notice how scents and sounds were even stronger now. How I was highly aware of Will's fingers gently brushing over the back of my hand, gentle as a feather, yet unexplainably... more.

My sister gasped before squealing and hugging me tightly. "That's so amazing, what can you hear? How far can you hear? Can you smell me? Oh god, I don't smell awful, do I?"

I laughed at her bashfulness before shaking my head slightly, feeling Will lean slightly down, as if awaiting my answers. A laugh bubbled up in my chest as I peeled the choking arms of my throat. "Relax okay. I can hear a lot; crickets are chirping back in the forest, David has just tripped over his feet upstairs and I'm sorry to say but you guys forgot to close your window back home."

Look through my EyesWhere stories live. Discover now