An Anecdote from an Acquaintance

50 9 20

30 April, 2020

Dear Community,

The first time I wrote a letter was when I was three. It was rather short, addressed to my mother, and said nothing short of, "I love you," with a few doodles on the bottom. The last letter I wrote was when I was seven, for an assignment. This was also addressed to my mother, a letter that said something along the lines of, "I love you." A theme often recurs in my letters, some variation or form of those three little words. This letter, too, will be a love letter (though, not the kind kindergarteners would give to their one-day spouse).

I've never been a very out-there type of person. I'm the person who usually slams the brakes before turning on the engine. Thus I never got out there, I was too shy, too scared, too anxious about practically everything. I joined Wattpad on 22 October, 2018, having an idea for a story that had been brewing inside my mind. I didn't expect any attention, nor did I get any at first, which was fine with me. Soon, though, I began getting some readers, and it thrilled me, while also frightening me. I was still way too scared to be out somewhere, with friends and people.

One fateful day, one of my readers tagged me in a book. I felt flattered and checked it out, and I saw it was a Community Project, The Murder of Mr. Black. I'd like to say thank you to who tagged me; I am very grateful to you. Would it be strange to say I love you? I do.

Anyway, I read information about it and checked out. Nope, no, not for me. There's people and you'll die and it'll be bad and no no no. It seemed I had made up my mind. Later, though, I looked at it again, and again, and again, and decided. You know what? I'll do this. I'm gonna do this and I'll enjoy it. I won't regret it. So I asked for a role, joined the discord server and began to do the thing. And, well, I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much. I made one of the best decisions in this stupidly indecisive life of mine and stayed in the server. I've never had many friends, nor am I one to make friends willingly, but I made some of the best friends I could have ever had and they are the light of my life. They've been so good to me, and I love all of them! I love how inclusive and accepting they are, and I love how loving they are. I love the contests and how engaging and creative they are. I love that when times are tough, the people in the community are always willing to support you.

I hope that if and when we meet, you will find a friend in me. As of now I can only hope to be your acquaintance, and as time goes by I also hope to know all of you better! Lastly, I hope you find this community a place for you to be who you are, a place where you can feel included. I hope you find something for each of you, and I hope you love this community just as the people in it do.

In short, I love this community. I love the concept of bringing writers together, and I most certainly love all the people in it, including a specific demon whom I will love in silence. I send negativity sentiment your way, dear demon fellow. And even more so, I love everyone who is yet to join this community. Whoever you are, whenever you arrive, your existence is enough to make me love you over 9000!

With drops of blood and sincere regards,


Community LettersWhere stories live. Discover now