My Letter

27 8 2

10 May 2020

Dear Community,

The last letter I remember (written yesterday) was a school assignment. Yes, I still have to write letters at school sometimes. But, this letter is very different. Every time I have to write a one, it is about something which I will never give a second glance.

But this time, I am sure sometime in the future I will open this letter and say to myself –

'Ah! I remember! This was the first ever letter that came directly from my heart, full of my opinions and my thoughts. A letter close to me! Something that is not meaningless...'

This time, while writing the letter, I don't have to use lots of flowery words to impress. I can write as if I am writing in my diary. Words straight from my heart. I hope everyone is doing well. Times are hard, but I believe we will pass them.

Writing is something that has always been an inevitable part of my persona. It is something that gave me a chance to voice my thoughts. Whenever I felt down or I had no one to talk to, a piece of paper and a pen were all that came to mind...

I tried to maintain a diary thousands of time. I gave up in between thinking "Screw It!! I don't have that much time to write." But in two days again I found myself sitting in front of that brown leather cover book with few pages blank and few pages filled pouring my heart out.

I like to be a realistic person but sometimes I fill my head with all sorts of fantasies for my stories, planning the next plot or arc despite all of my mom's reprimanding for the hours spent. I always felt happy. Putting myself in characters shoes while reading or writing gives me a surreal feeling, which makes me cherish my real life even more.

I joined Wattpad on May 29, 2018. It's been two freaking years since then. I first learned about Wattpad from my friends because they constantly spoke about a collab account they created and other stuff. Finally one of them forced me to create an account.

For the first year, me being a shy person, only used it for reading. Heck, I didn't even try to write. I was content with reading stories. Then last year in May I finally gathered the courage to publish my first ever book. "The Masks That We Wear" - a book I edited so many time just to satisfy my feeling that something was missing. But this feeling never truly disappears. Since then there has been that constant change in my writing style and I still believe I am in the time of experimenting to find that one for me. My style.

A small piece of advice from me - believe me, you will have your own style. You don't need to try to imitate others. You are unique and so is your writing.

I came across Contests a few days before Whodunit was launched. I was browsing through random books when in two or three places there were tags for the Contests account. Curiosity killed the cat. I clicked on that tag and was finally introduced to this wonderful community.

Coincidentally, August Whodunit was launched soon after. I read through it and instantly fell in love with the plot. Role playing, interactions - excitement and nervousness clouded my mind when I eventually chose Leone Moore as the character that would represent me.

It was one of the best decisions I'd made. I found an amazing group of friends with whom I had a roller coaster ride of emotions. They made me feel welcomed from the moment I joined. Let's just say online, I was quite the opposite to how I was offline. I may be extroverted in offline but in Wattpad, I would have to think so much even if I wanted to make just a small comment.

Becoming a part of this server, I am more active on Wattpad than I ever was. I became more open to people online. I found some amazing best friends and I didn't think I ever would. We've experienced so much together. Each day is a chance to learn something new. A chance to prove myself. A chance to portray myself.

It's been two years since I joined Wattpad. One year since I started writing. Almost 8 months since I joined Contests, now Community Interactive.

CI in the end as become a very integrated part of my life, along with Wattpad. If someone now asks me which community would you choose if you went back in time in August, I would again choose this one in a heartbeat.

In just the way I found friends here, I would like to be your friend too, but before that we need to start as mere acquaintances. I hope you find this community as lovely as I do.

With lots of chaos, shenanigans, seriousness, fun and all other emotions that I might be to lazy to mention, I have come to love this server. I hope, whoever you are, that after reading my letter you have received a bit of the love that I tried to show through this. I still have a lot more to write but I have to stop here, for the moment. So I hope when you join community, you can again listen to my endless chatter 'cause I can really say a lot at times, being the emotional person I am. So me and my thoughts await your arrival. Do stop by.

With lots of love, feelings and a tinge of destruction 😊😊


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