a Lesson from a Lady

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3 July 2020

Dear Community

Oh dear, where to begin? I haven't written a letter in ages and, even then, I was never very good at it. Structure and organization have never been my strong suits - I'm the type to run about with a cape and a frying pan, screaming into a storm, "Thor, smite me so I may join the halls of Valhalla!"

Maybe that's why it hasn't stormed here in a while.

See? This is why I can never write a good letter, I go off on rabbit trails.

I joined Wattpad literally this year, because I was recruited by a lovely young lady and her friend to join a community. From there, I've made friends (a novelty) and settled in comfortably among the sweet, sweet chaos I've come to call normal.

But my passion and love for writing didn't start this year. I've been writing since I was very small. I've always had a fascination with words, languages, and stories. When I was little, I learned the Greek alphabet before I learned the English one. By the time I could read, I was delving into all sorts of stories. But the one that sparked something inside of me, that drove me to start writing my own stories?

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

Adventure, family, friendships that would last a lifetime. It gave me the heart of a gypsy. I am never satisfied with what I have accomplished, I am always striving for more, to be better, to be greater than I am now. I don't think I am the best, no. There are better people than I out there. But I want to be the best version of me that I can achieve.

The first story that bled from my fingertips was the life of a young wolf. It was less than 15,000 words, but I had poured my heart and soul into this tiny little book. I can remember the feeling of pride, the smile I received when I handed it to my mother. The words, "The End," in bold on the last page. The feeling of accomplishment and the desire to go further, to continue down this path... it was like a torch in a dark room, lighting up the corners of myself I had yet to discover.

From there, I went on to write a short trilogy that I self-published. I received a writing mentor who guided me with stern words and constructive criticism that drove me to perfect my craft, to dig in deep and better my skills. I was fourteen.

By the time I was sixteen, my average word count had gone from 15,000 to 50,000. I had learned to see through the eyes of my character, to feel what they felt, to think what they thought. My stories had broadened, my skills improved, but I was still not where I knew I could be.

Yet, even with all this improvement, gaining a publisher was not easy to achieve. Many wouldn't take a teenager and even more wouldn't accept someone who didn't have an agent. I submitted and submitted and submitted, until it became apparent I wasn't what they were looking for. Some will say you need to be exceptional, unique with your story. I used to think you needed to be one of the "gifted" to achieve this goal. A mastermind with a masterpiece, in the eyes of the mighty publishers.

That's not the case at all. I've learned, among other things, that you don't need to write for your audience. You can't give them what they all want, it's impossible to do that.

You have to write for yourself. Write the story that has been gnawing at you, that lurks in the corners of your mind, and that is the story that will take you places you never thought you'd go. Tell it from the heart and, even if you don't become famous, your story will ring true in the minds of your readers and it will stay with them.

I've found this to be true, reading through stories on Wattpad, finding so many authors who have said, "This story comes from my childhood," or, "I've wanted to write this for a long time."

I'm still not where I want to be, but instead of writing what I thought people wanted to read and writing something I wanted to read, it's helped me so much.

In this community, surrounded by so many skilled and gifted people, I know I can get where I want to go, and maybe help someone else reach their own goals or improve on their skills along the way.

I'm happy I stumbled upon this community and the friends I have made in the time I have been here.

So thank you, to all of you.


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