Hey guys. Just like with "The Last Human" this was originally a short story idea, which has grown into so much more. Thanks to Yuli, and Scar for convincing me to turn this into a full-on book! XD
===================================><>Herobrine's POV<><
I stomped stiffly through the settling smoke, scanning over the short work my army had made of the decently large town. It was hard to see far, but through the ashy grey I could see bodies littering the streets, as well as leaning from peculiar places, such as roofs. As pleased as I was to finally check this town off my list, there was still something nagging in the back of my head that something was wrong. Something.. was not going to plan...
Two bodies in particular caught my attention. The forms were of a man and woman; looking about my age. These two sat across from one another at a small two seated table, holding hands even in their death. It intrigued me to see that these humans had not separated even when clearly the man had died before the woman, judging by their fading heat signatures. The female had stuck by the other's side, probably hoping he would somehow survive that arrow to the skull. Pff! Such stupid creatures.
I continued walking among the ash and dying fire, looking for anyone who hadn't already been finished off. I had made this my job since those who managed to survive such an event were certainly tough; so they would be a fun little challenge to keep me amused. After a while longer, I found yet another couple together after death, these two looking maybe ten years older than me, probably with offspring of their own somewhere. These two looked as if they had been huddled, hugging one another, before falling limp by the same blade. Though incredibly dumb, I was mildly fascinated as I wondered why these two would not separate, always sticking together. I marveled as I looked around to see every now and then, even more couples with the same tenacity. Some, I saw, looked as if they had even been fighting to protect not just themselves, but one another.. Why? What kind of bond was strong enough to keep them together when faced with certain death?
Finally, I saw an old couple. These two were clearly old enough to have grandchildren. Both weak and frail, yet, neither had left the other. Such determination they must have had to stick together not just through my attack, but all the years before-hand as well. Surely, there had to be some magic to this. I was clearly missing something. Something that had been around as far back as time itself, but never noticed before by me. Slowly, I began to wonder how I myself could learn this power of determination; the thing that must be keeping the humans still strong against me, even with my best attempts to place them under my foot. Maybe.. I could find a way to use this newly found power against them.
In the midst of my pondering, I heard a crash and a bang. My entire body spun fully around instantly to catch the source of the commotion. Alas, a human. The creature was a female, with long black hair, bright blue eyes, and her proportions were surprisingly small and frail for someone who had managed to survive the attack. She was maybe somewhere between fifteen and twenty, which didn't really matter. There was a short series of seconds spent just staring at one another; her frozen in fear, probably trying to regain control of her body; as I simply study her figure as I make up a new plan on the spot. To be expected, the female ran off. My initial instinct was to use my abilities to snap her neck before she could run off, for I never cared to fight cowards, but I restrained myself. Instead, I figured in my head that this human female would be the best place to start practicing the new form of tenacity I had found in those past humans. Who knows, she may teach me how I can use this magic of theirs.
><>girl's POV<><
Fire blazed in my face! Screeches from ghasts filled the air! Screams of bloody-murder filled my ears! It was true chaos... The streets were full of monsters, big and small. Ones that go boom and ones that suckered on your brain juice like it's a picnic! At least these monsters were seemingly not interested in feasting; easing my nerves and keeping me from barfing at any dark thoughts.
Short StoryThe scales rise, and then they fall.. only to ease back into balance once again. It isn't for nothing. No breath is wasted; no moment is set aside as meaningless. In the end, it is not the quest to become immortal which triumphs all, but the journey...