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"It was really nice seeing you again," I say.

"You too," she says. "We should do something soon."

"Yes, totally," I say.

She walks out the door and I quickly shut it. "I never thought she would leave," Maggie says.

I roll my eyes, "She could talk for days."

"I can tell, but what the hell was up with her basically flirting with Zion the whole time?"

"That's her for you," I say. "Back in high school she was known for taking everyone's boyfriend."

"You think that's what she is trying to do?"

I sit down on the couch and so does Maggie, "Most likely. She stole all my boyfriends from me in high school."

"They actually left you for her?" I hear behind me. I quickly turn around to Caleb standing there. He looks so shocked.

I quickly laugh and I hold out my arms for him to come over to me. He does and he leans down from behind the house and wraps his arms around my neck.

"So did you notice her flirting the whole time?" I ask him.

"Duh," he says. "I'm not stupid."

"She's a hoe," Maggie says.

Caleb and I laugh, "I knew she would do it. It's part of the reason I didn't want her over here."

"Well I won't ever leave you for her," he says. "Are you crazy? She's nothing compared to you."

Maggie playfully gags and then stands up, "This is my cue to leave. Nice talking to you guys. Now don't fuck on the couch."

"I think we might," Caleb says, "I'm feeling a bit horny right now."

"Then go upstairs. Not on the fucking couch."

We all start laughing and then Maggie walks upstairs. Caleb comes around to the front of the couch and sits down next to me.

He lays his head down in my lap and I run my fingers through his dreads. I could play with his hair all day long. It's so soothing and relaxing.

I turn the TV on and some random show is playing. "Any new ones?" He asks looking up at me.

I sigh, "No, Caleb." He is talking about my cuts. He asks me all the time if I have any new ones, but I haven't done it since Nick caught me.

"I'm just making sure," he says. I lean down and I kiss the top of his head.

"I know," I say. "I'm sorry."

"You know I love you right?" He asks.

"And I love you."

[1 week later]

"I'll be down in a second Maggie!" I yell from Caleb's room. Right now Maggie, Ansley and I are having a small girls night. It's nothing huge since we can't leave. We are just going to watch movies.

I grab my blanket and pillow and I start to walk downstairs. As I make it down the hallway my phone vibrates. I stop in the middle of the hall and I look at it. It's a text message from an unknown number.

[Text messages: Unknown]

Unknown: Hello, Caitlyn.

Me: Who is this?

Unknown: You haven't gotten a letter in awhile. I'm kinda done with the letters. I've always hated writing. I'm just going to text you now. It's so much faster.

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