1st Letter from the Team

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Dear reader,

In case you are not familiar, I am the leader of CAMP. We are a group which conduct different experiments including psychological manipulation. We are doing this for over 5 years now and we are recognized worldwide as one of the best experiment groups, conducting different researches and proving different theories in psychology.

You are one of the chosen respondents of a certain experiment that we are conducting.

In this experiment, we want to see if suggestions can be done through the medium of text.

The experiment will be divided into three (3) parts.

I: Suggestibility Tests
II: Suggestion Scripts
III: Conclusion

Feel free to give feedback and recommendations. Frequently asked questions will be answered in the 2nd letter.

Whether you will participate or not, thank you.

PS. Read well.

- Jade Marquez

The CAMP Files I: Manipulation through LettersWhere stories live. Discover now