5th Letter from the Team

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Dear reader,

To make sure that the suggestion scripts will be effective, please consider the following:

- Do not read the scripts if you have any kind of sickness, it could be distracting to you which might ruin the possible effect of the scripts.

- Go to a place that is quiet and where no one will disturb you. Distractions are one of the main reasons why hypnosis doesn't work.

- Just like the suggestibility tests, a short description about the scripts will be shown first so the reader will have an idea on what's about to come. The description will also contain the set-up to make sure you will have the best experience possible.

- Make sure that you are ready on what's about to come from the scripts. The scripts are much more different than the suggestibility tests. Don't be afraid.

- Read every single word and make sure to image everything in your head, especially the ones emphasized through italic and bold.

- Everything will be fine. What you are before reading the scripts is the same you after reading it.

Good luck, and read well.

- Lance Vasquez

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