chapter 4:the next exercise.speed and endurance training.

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Naruto was impressed with how quickly the furious five had mastered the mental and emotional discipline of his training.

And now it was time for the next part of the training to begin.

The furious 5 and Po met naruto at the great Wall of China for their next test.

Monkey then asked.

"Forgive me for questioning the reason for your methods master fox. But why are we at China's great Wall???.

And what are those barrels of water for if you don't mind me asking???."

And naruto said.

"Those are good questions monkey. Because today is your speed and endurance training exercise. There's six barrels of water here.

One for each of you to carry...on your back... your task is to carry the full ten gallon barrel of water as far as you can from this end of the great Wall of China to the other end of the great Wall of China.

Once you reach the end of the great Wall your going to
Grab a stone slab of marble or jade. Each slab is roughly 75 pounds you must grab the slab carry it on your back and make it back to the jade palace without dropping it by nightfall.

You have a full week to do all this with a single break in between each section of the wall. Once you make it to the jade palace you may rest before we start the agility training next week.

If anyone falls behind they may drop out at any time. I've done this myself and it has made me stronger because of it. Each person grab a barrel of water.

On my mark. Ready...set.... BEGIN!!!."

The furious five and Po all hoisted a barrel of water on to their backs and began their journey across the great Wall of China.

Little did they know that it would take them close to almost 72 hours to finish the journey. And then another 72 hours or more just to reach the palace. Naruto watched closely as the furious 5 were pacing themselves to conserve energy.

Po however. Was slacking. Which came as no surprise to him as he watched the panda struggle. So naruto decided to give him some motivation.

Naruto then said.

"Panda hurry up!!!. Your falling behind!!!. Did I forget to mention that if one of you fails all of you fails and doesn't get dinner!!!.

If you want to eat you must push past your physical limitations Panda!!!.

One member fails all members fail!!!. You either win as a team or fail as a team!!!. Now move it move it move it!!!. Pick up the pace!!!."

Tigress then said.

"Po. If we fail because of you and go without food I'll make sure you suffer my wrath and show you what a tiger is truly capable of!!!.

Don't think I'm bluffing because I hate losing!!!."

Monkey then said.

"She's right Po. The last time shifu made her go hungry she almost tried to kill him!!!."

And Po said.

"Don't worry guys. I think I've already figured this guy's training methods out. He's trying to see how long it takes before we crack and decide to quit.

If we quit it proves him right that one of us is the weak Link of the group. To him this is just a game. But for us it's to see how strong our resolve is."

The five were shocked!!!. Did that mental training really open up Po to seeing things differently!!!.

Tigress then said.

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