Chapter 6: Milk Drinks

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Chapter 6:

After what seemed like an eternity, Kei let go of Mizuki's hand as he suddenly became aware of the whispers that filled the gymnasium. Thankfully they were far enough so that the team couldn't hear anything, but it was still uncomfortable that almost everyone was staring at them. Mizuki appeared to be stunned by what he had done and didn't say a word, which worried him. From the other side of the court, Yamaguchi gave Kei a thumbs up which caused him to roll his eyes.

"I guess I can forgive you for taking five years to tell me that." Mizuki smiled softly, gazing up at Kei who seemed to be troubled and relieved at the same time.

"Hey!" Rina shouted from across the gym, "Mizuki! Are you coming or are you too busy with your boy-"

Mina suddenly clamped her sister's mouth before she could say anything else and looked at Mizuki apologetically.

"Have fun at practice!" Mizuki grinned, catching up with her friends at the end of the gym.

As soon as they were out of sight, Kei's teammates began to tease him about Mizuki.

"Tsukishima-kun," Tanaka mocked, batting his eyelashes in an exaggerated manner, "You're so cool. Please be my boyfriend."

Kei sighed and adjusted his glasses, "Tanaka-san, you look really dumb right now."

Tanaka angrily broke out of character to yell, "What did you say, Jerky-shima?"

"Yeah, you jerk!" Hinata repeated behind Tanaka.

Sugawara began to step in the middle of the two in order to break the upcoming, unnecessary fight between the two.

"Stop this you two," He sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly, "Daichi's going to get mad."

"I'm glad you guys are talking again," Yamaguchi piped in, "You seemed really upset when she ignored you."

"Eh?" Sugawara asked, "Why was she ignoring you Tsukishima? Did you hurt her already?"

"No," Kei replied flatly, "And sorry to break it to you Suga-san, but I'd rather keep some things in private."

"You should be careful with how you treat her," Kageyama chimed in, coldly staring at Kei, "Toma-san seems like a very kind person."

"I know she is," Kei retorted back with his eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed, "You don't have to tell me that, king."

Kageyama bitterly stepped closer to Kei, indirectly challenging him to fight.

"That's enough," Sawamura moved in between the two, "You first years are a handful."

As soon as he broke up their conflict, volleyball practice began. Kei wondered why Kageyama would even bother talking to him about Mizuki. He knew nothing about her or him so he had no right to tell him how to act around her. He pushed the frustration he felt towards Kageyama away and focused on practice instead.


"He held your hand, and for what?" Rina exclaimed loudly, "For what?!

It seemed that Mizuki's friend was more in shock than she was.

"I don't know," Mizuki murmured sheepishly, "But he said he wanted me to be in his life, so I think that means we're friends again."

"I think it means more than that..." Mina raised an eyebrow, slightly smirking. 

Mizuki blushed and shook her head repeatedly.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." Mizuki answered back.

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