Chapter 33: Happy Birthday

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Chapter 33:

The leaves turning red and brown signaled the end of summer vacation and the beginning of the fall semester. At the same time, it was Mizuki and Kei's birthday month. Her birthday was on September 17th, while his was on September 27th. She was older than him by ten days, and when they were kids, she used to rub that in his face a lot. Mizuki convinced Kei to have a joint birthday party and even though he didn't want it, he agreed because... well... because she asked.

The twins generously rented a beach house with a volleyball court on the day of their birthday party, which was going to take place on September 22nd. Mizuki offered to pay for it but they insisted. Their butler was going to supervise them and make sure that everyone stayed out of trouble.

Additionally, Mizuki had already celebrated her 16th birthday on her actual birthday with her family and her closest friends, including Kei. He wanted to give her his gift but he didn't get a chance to as Mizuki was preoccupied with the twins' gift, which was a weekend trip to Kyoto with them. They seemed to enjoy their trip, at least from how she described it. They went shopping, ate lots of food, and explored various places together. So, he decided to give the gift to her at their party, whenever he got the chance.

"It's so unlike you to have a big birthday party, Kei!" Akiteru chuckled as he drove him down to the beach, "You've changed!"

"It wasn't my idea..." He muttered, leaning his head on the window.

"It was Mizuki-chan's, wasn't it?" He smiled tenderly, "You care about her a lot, don't you?"

Kei grunted in response - of course he cared about her... why else would he agree to such a dumb party?

"Did you tell her how you feel?" Akiteru inquired as innocently as he could.

Of course he tried to... just not directly.

He had asked Mizuki a few weeks ago what she would do if he had feelings for her. She was stunned at first, but from what he could tell, she didn't seem appalled by it. Instead, what she said confused him.

"I would ask... why do you like me?"

After that, he had to go on the bus and he didn't get a chance to ask her what she meant by that. When they got back from training camp, Kei didn't bring the conversation up again, and neither did she.

As they approached the beach house, he took a deep breath and grabbed his things and her gift. He exited the car and made sure his brother drove away. Akiteru could be a little nosy sometimes. Kei stared at the horizon, where the deep, blue ocean and the golden, grainy sand met beautifully. The waves crashed against the shore as the warm wind blew gently. The sun blazed brightly, making the seashells and the sand itself sparkle like a thousand tiny jewels. He could hear the seagulls gawking and children yelling for ice cream whilst their parents chased after them.

"Kei!" A familiar voice called out. He looked at the direction of the teal beach house, which was situated on a deck a few meters away from the actual ocean.

Mizuki waved at him excitedly - she was wearing a short, flowery dress with yellow sandals and her hair swayed seemingly in slow motion as she approached Kei. She also had on the T-Rex necklace he got her from when they were kids, which made him feel warm every time he saw her wear it. She was so damn breathtaking that it hurt just to look at her.

"Hey," He murmured, walking towards her, "Is everyone here?"

"Yeah!" She grinned, eyeing a blue gift bag that he was carrying, "You're the only one missing!"

"Sorry..." He sighed exasperatedly, "My brother had to get gas but he forgot his credit card so we had to drive back home."

"It's okay!" Mizuki smiled, "Come on! Everyone's waiting for you."

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