Day 1

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The start of today was pretty good. I knew I was spending the day with Angel and I was slowly getting excited. We were catching the train into the city where all the big shops were. I was pretty excited because yesterday was my birthday. I probably should have started this yesterday but oh well. When I met her at her mums shop, we ran to the train to catch it before it left. We caught it just in time. On the way there we pretty much just talked about anything and everything. Except we were meant to be quiet cause it was a quiet carriage. Oh well.

When we got there we went straight to Starbucks. Well we did when we found it. This was the first ever time I've had Starbucks so I was pretty ecstatic. I can't remember the exact name of it but it a Christmas cookie iced coffee one. It's was pretty good. After that we walked around a bit and did some shopping. After spending most of my money on Dr.Who stuff, we caught the train back. This time the ride was much louder cause we kept taking selfies and had so much fun. I also neglect to tell that I was wearing makeup and not just a little bit. A pretty big amount of it but it made me feel good about myself.

When we got back home we pretty much danced and sung the whole night away apart from making some prank calls and my boyfriend officially breaking up with me. Ugh the feels. I want to care but I also don't want to . I haven't actually felt too upset or bad about myself today. Maybe surrounding myself with friends is a good therapy. Trust me though when I say that in the coming days I'll be explaining in very much detail of my bad days. But anyways. I think that I should stop writing now because I'm lying on the floor of Angels bedroom at 23:59. It's late and I should sleep.

Goodnight people xx 🍍🍉

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