chapter i

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I stared down at the notebook that I had just discovered, hiding beneath many sweatshirts and purses in my crowded closet.
Cleaning out my apartment was not a typical thing to expect from me, it was just the fact that my best friend, Jenna, was finally returning from her extremely long trip, and I didn't want her to come back to the expected mess that I called home.
The notebook had frayed edges along the turquoise cover, which I had written my name on in marker. Slowly, I began flipping the torn and crinkled pages.

It was my old bucket list.

My mind recalled writing in this journal not long ago, maybe about three years, eyes skimming over the pages quickly, until I was on the last one. "Wow," My voice came out almost above a whisper as the front door had opened, informing me that Jenna had arrived. "Liv!" She squealed, wrapping her thin arms around me in a tight embrace and I smiled.

"Not so tight." My voice was quiet as I felt like my best friend was suffocating me in her tiny arms.

"I missed you." Her brown eyes were brimmed with tears of joy. We hadn't seen each other in over a year, since she went to do charity work for children in South America.

Yeah, I guess you could say she was living life to it's best standards.

My mind wandered back to the notebook that I happened to uncover from my closet, and a sigh escaped my lips.

If only I could complete every single thing on that damn list.

Jenna rose from her seat on the couch, and smiled. The kind of smile that made you grow suspicious of her thoughts. "Zayn wanted to go out tonight." She stated, and it felt as if I had deflated. It was her first night back, and she'd rather spend it with her boyfriend, instead of me. "Wait! Before you get all sad and mope around all night long," Her lips turned upwards into a smile. "He wants you to meet his friend." She said excitedly.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of even going on a double date with Zayn and Jenna. I liked him, don't get me wrong, it's just the fact that I could only deal with them when I was in a very good mood. Me being in a good mood was a rare occurrence. "Please," She begged, pouting. "Fine." I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed in annoyance.


An hour later, I was dressed in a black, tight dress with a pair of uncomfortable heels. "I feel like a prostitute." I stated blandly; insulting my best friend's choice in clothing. "You don't look like one," She lied, smiling at me before grabbing the keys to her car and heading out the front door.

Zayn was standing there, but he was alone. My eyes widened at the thought of being with them all night long with nobody else by my side. It would be absolutely horrid.

"Where's your friend?" I asked him politely, but as he opened his mouth to speak, I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "Ah, you must be Olivia." His eyes skimmed up and down my body as he spoke. "Yeah, that's me." I responded appropriately, although I was distracted by how attractive he was; with his brown mop of curls messily styled upwards, into a quiff, and his piercing green eyes that seemed to read right through me. "Guess it's only fair if I introduce myself," He smirked. "I'm Harry." His name suited him well; although I wasn't too sure of why.

"Shall we?" Zayn cocked his head to the side, motioning for Harry and I to follow he and Jenna.
We arrived at a packed club with blasting music and lights, and the disgust on my face must have been obvious because Harry leaned in to mumble something in my ear.

"Not your type of thing?" His cheeky grin made his dimples a lot more noticeable. I shook my head, barely able to move in the confining dress that Jenna had picked out for me. "Mm," The amusement in his green eyes was obvious as I crossed my arms over my chest and heaved a sigh. "Well, if you'd like I can take you back home." My eyebrows furrowed together in thought. "That sounds nice. I mean, I've missed Jenna terribly but when she and Zayn are together they just totally shut everyone else out, and I hate feeling like the third wheel, so-" I rambled on before Harry cut me off with a grin.

"It's okay, really." My cheeks flushed in embarrassment; rambling was an awful nervous habit of mine. "Sorry," I shyly looked away, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "What are you apologizing for?" He chuckled deeply, and the look on his face was absolutely adorable, with his eyebrows raised and a glint of mischief in his green irises.
"It's like, a bad habit of mine. Rambling, I mean. When I get nervous it happens a lot, and it-" He pressed a warm finger to my plump lips, grinning wildly. "You're doing it again, love," I opened my mouth, but he cut me off. "No need to apologize, though." He added with a wink.

"M' tired," I yawned, covering my mouth with my hand. Harry helped me into his car, which was extremely nice and expensive looking. It was an Audi- I think. The leather seat was overly comfortable, which caused me to curl up into a tiny ball and close my eyes. "You must be cold in that dress." I didn't have to look to know that he had a smirk on his face.

I opened my mouth to make a sassy comment, but closed it when I felt the weight of Harry's bulky jacket laying over my body. "Thanks," Was all I could manage to say before shutting my eyes and drifting off.


"Hey! You're awake!" Harry grinned at me from his seat on a beaten-up leather sofa, a bowl of cereal in his lap, and a green-knit beanie pulled over his curls.

"Yeah." Judging by the looks of the room I was in; I assumed it was Harry's flat. There were books scattered everywhere, a bong on the coffee table, boots and sweaters thrown carelessly around the room.

"You looked so peaceful sleeping- I couldn't wake you. But there are some clothes that I left for you in my bedroom." He pointed to a narrow hallway that led to several separate rooms.

I found a large sweatshirt and a pair of joggers stacked neatly on his unmade bed. It smelt like Harry- meaning his room smelt like Bleu de Chanel. Absolutely heavenly.

The clothes were quite baggy on my petite figure, but it was better than Jenna's revealing dress.

"Harry?" My voice echoed through the empty hall as I trudged into the kitchen, where he was standing, pouring a cup of coffee. "Hey, sorry- I figured that I should make you a cup of coffee, y'know, if you were tired and all that." I smiled at the curly-haired boy's cute little assumption. I was the kind of person who needed caffeine every morning, anyway. "Thanks," The corners of my lips turned upwards into a small smile.

I was beginning to like Harry a little more- it was hard not to, actually.


a/n: heeey! i can't tell you how long i've been wanting to use this story, and i spent a lot of time on it! on my old wattpad account, i may have mentioned something about publishing it but i'm not 100% sure. anyway, it'd mean loads to me if you commented your advice or voted (not forcing you too, though) thank you!

the bucket list - h.s. (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now