chapter vii

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41. Steal something

Olivia squirmed nervously in her seat as the same kid who did her last tattoo pulled on another pair of gloves.

The way she was so nervous was somewhat adorable, and I loved every single moment of it.

She clung to my hand tightly as he took a seat beside the torn up chair. A smile overtook my face as she used her free hand to make gestures while describing the tattoo that she wanted to get.

"It has to be perfect though, because I really love the whole concept of the hamsa." He seemed annoyed by Olivia now- which pissed me off a little bit. I mean, how could you not enjoy the way she rambled on and on about the most random shit?

"Okay, hopefully it won't hurt too bad. It's going to take a while, though. Where do you want it?" Her frail, shaking finger pointed to the side of her arm, and before I knew it the needle was inking her tanned skin for the second time.

For what seemed like hours, we sat there, and at one point a tear rolled down her soft cheek, and I wiped it away the pad of my thumb.

"Okay, you're all done." He patted her shoulder gently and I paid for it, although she practically begged me not to.

"Let's go out to lunch, at the cute little coffee shop just around the corner," Olivia suggested, but I scrunched up my nose. "Not my scene, Liv." After gesturing to my multiple tattoos inking my skin and the leather jacket on my shoulders, she stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.

"Fine, whatever you want, princess." I dropped a kiss on the top of her head, the smell of coconut shampoo filling my nostrils.

"So, what are we in for today?" I raised an eyebrow at her from my seat at the table, stirring my lemonade with a straw, listening to the ice clinking against the glass.

"I want to steal something." After practically choking, I finally spoke. "Are you crazy?" Once the words fell from my lips, a smirk grew on her pink lips.

"Maybe just a little."


Olivia kept looking over her shoulder several times while her hands fumbled to tear the package open. My jacket was shielding the cameras or anyone from being able to see.

"Got it!" She shoved the tube of mascara in her pocket and we hurried out of the store, laughing like maniacs.

"A fifteen dollar tube of mascara? Really?" She simply smiled proudly and ignored my commentary. "I feel so alive!" Her tiny feet made loud noises on the pavement as she did a little dance around me before I forced the excited girl into my car.

A long car ride filled with screaming the lyrics to Katy Perry at the top of our lungs and a McDonald's run later, the two of us arrived at her apartment after what seemed to be forever.

"Should we just stay in and watch a movie?" Olivia's soft, gentle tone made it impossible for me not to smile.

"I'd like that." If people knew how different I acted around this adorable girl, they'd question my mental health.

At some point during Friends with Benefits, her phone began to vibrate quietly on the coffee table.

Several minutes after answering and leaving the room, she returned without a word and sat back down beside me.

It was obvious that some sort of incident had occurred for her mood to change that quickly.

I nudged her bum with my foot and gently tucked a piece of silky, caramel brown hair behind her ear. "What's the matter? You can tell me." The last thing that I was expecting to happened; most definitely happened.

A loud sob escaped her lips and she screwed her beautiful eyes shut and tears poured down her face. Just seeing it made my heart ache for her.

Without thinking, my hand wrapped around her tiny wrist and pulled her into my lap.

"That was my mom." The cracks in her voice signaled more tears were yet to come.

"My sister and my dad both died in an accident." I couldn't help but pull the young, upset girl even closer to me. Her warm tears dripped on my chest, but nothing else mattered other than the fact that she was hurting.

"I would do anything to get them back for you, I really hope you know that." My raspy voice whispered into her cold ear.

With a nod, her rosy pink lips parted to speak again.

"I know." Was all that Olivia could manage, but right now it didn't matter.

It was insane how your day could go from amazing to absolute shit with just one phone call.



Hey guys. I aplogizeeeee for not updating (for those who are reading lmao) but lately ive been having a lot of trouble and have been in the hospital quite a few times. not to worry though, i am all better now.

just as an fyi i threw all of this together in one night and i know it is allllll over the place but i promise that the next chapter will be hella good :)))

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