"I'm writing the story-san" note1:

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Hello! ^^ (Apparently I'm writing the story haha) 500 reads? that's crazy. HAHAH it's not suppose to reach that number, but I'm grateful!! surprised and I think it's so weird  but I'm grateful :)

Thank you, for whatever the reason why you're reading this <3 Enjoy my confusing story lololol

I gotta admit that my first and second chapter felt rushed and lacking the comfortable feeling of a conversation (bc it all made sense in my head and not on others HAHA and for that I'm sorryy all) My chapters are just going to improve from here on out and I hope you look forward to them >:))

And I'd like to put a discclaimer that EVERY Image  you see on this story is not mine.

I just put it out there for better visualization but I am in no way of claiming credit for the incredible creators okayyy :((

so have a good day everyone who gets past this point! <33 I hope everyone's safe :*

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