Chapter Six!

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Danielle's Prov:

Once breakfast was over I helped put the dishes away with my grandmother, after that I decided I would start working on Princess. I walked out the door to be met with the warmth of the sun. Oh how I missed the sun, while I was having a pity party I didn't go out once. It felt good to feel that warmth engulfing me

I walked over the barn. With every step I took I noticed all the guys looking at me. I knew what they were already thinking. I knew their heads were filled with bad thoughts. Even though I was trying to make the best of the situation, I wasn't trying to be unrealistic. I knew none of these guys would ever like me. I gave up hope on a guy every liking me a long time ago.

I still smiled at them though. I was hoping to kill them with my kindness. I really didn't want to be mad fun of anymore. To my surprise they all smiled back. They all looked like they were suppose to be in an Abercrombie and Finch magazine. They were all so hot, but none of them were as hot as Luke. He had this certain something about him that made him so desirable. I knew nothing would ever happen between us, but hey a girl can dream.

I walked into the barn and went straight to where Princess's stable was. She was on the other side of her area until she saw me. When she did see me, she came over to me. I put my hand out and waited for her to put her head in my hand. She was such a beautiful horse. Everything about her was beautiful. I kinda liked the fact that she didn't like everyone else. I liked that I was the only person she trusted.

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear Luke come in, until he was right behind me. "Hey beautiful" I gasped and turned around to look at him.

"Ummm hey, you ready to get started?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I mean honestly there really isn't a lot to teach you. I just think your family didn't want to have you out here alone with her. I don't think they believe your fully safe yet. But I could teach you about the stable and how to keep it and Princess clean, that's about it."

"Oh, so you have nothing at all to teach me then." I said to him with a small wink. I was just trying to lighten the mood and joke around like friends do, but when I looked at Luke I noticed his eyes turned some what darker.

He came closer to, he leaned into me and put his lips right next to my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck. "Oh trust me darling, there are many things I could teach you." His voice made me shiver. Was this how friends acted? It didn't seem like it, but then again I don't really know anything about being some one's friend, so I wouldn't know.

I wanted to get out of this awkward situation fast. "Yeah well you should probably tell me about what she likes. What kind of food she eats, or if she doesn't like a certain food. How she likes to be brushed, really anything about her." I said to him in what seemed like one breath. I knew I had babbled but I was so nervous at that moment. Luke just smiled and started to show me the different equipment they had and how to use it. I was a fast learner so it didn't take me long to get the hang of things.

After he showed me all of that I decided I would take Princess out for a walk. I walked over to her stable and waited for her to come over to me. I grabbed one of the sugar cubes I found inside from the table at breakfast that was in my pocket and held it out to her. She quickly ate the cube and hung her head down so I could pat her.

"Your something else you know that?"

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Your just so different." Yeah I'm probably a lot different then those skinny girls your use to. "I mean your the only one who has been able to tame her in any way possible. But it makes sense if you think about it." He said as he unlocked Princess stable. She immediately started to buckle and move to the back of the stable. As Luke moved closer to her, I saw her freak out more.

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