Chapter 5

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Manthara who usually had something bad to say about everyone had nothing to say about Shanta. True, she was sad that her queen Kaikeyi could not produce a child that could have been the heir to the throne of Ayodhya till now but as Shanta was a girl, Manthara knew she would never ascend the throne and bore no grudge or hatred. In fact she was sure she would miss Shanta. All the same,she was pleased to see the deteriorating relationship between King Dasharath and Kaushalya hence when Kaikeyi was thinking of a plan to keep Shanta back, Manthara did not offer any advice.

" Nothing is working Manthara! I have plead him, Kaushalya refuses to see him and is spending every minute with Shanta. Sumitra also tried to change his mind. Moreover Shanta  refuses to stay back." Kaikeyi fretted in her chambers.

" The best thing you can do now is spend time with the girl before she goes away." said Manthara folding Kaikeyi's clothes.

" Call her Shanta,will you? Don't act as if you have no emotions. You like Shanta,don't you?." Kaikeyi said shrewdly.

Manthara smiled. " Emotions won't help you much"

" I am going to meet Shanta" said Kaikeyi. She knew Manthara could be very heartless sometimes but she was like a mother to her.

Kaushalya, Sumitra and Shanta were helping  in her arrangements to go to Anga. Vershini and Rompad were never so happy. But with the gloomy environment in the palace, they didnt know whether to look  happy or sad. No one could ever guess the feelings Shanta felt. Her exterior was always as still water. Calm.  She held no grudge or hatred towards her father. In fact she was determined to make the most of the situation and had spent her last days devouring everything Ayodhya had to offer. She would miss everything... Ma Kaushalya,the serene, caring woman that she was, the brightest and kindest mother, Sumitra and her bubbling,brave mother, Kaikeyi,Guru Vashishta  the bright gardens with blooming flowers, the swing, her horses, the arena... her father. She loved him very much. Tears sprang to her eyes. She closed her eyes letting her sadness flow out with her tears.

She bade every one goodbye one by one. She touched her father's feet and heard him whisper" I am sorry,Shanta. I hope you understand the situation I am in."

" Of course, Maharaj." Shanta whispered back as she embraced him for the last time.

 He lost  control over his emotions. Flashes of Shanta as a baby,sitting on his lap, duelling him, playing with him crossed his mind.  "Whatever I have done or wronged you so greatly, it is my blood you have and I am forever  your father, Shanta." Before the whole of Ayodhya could witness their King sobbing he turned away .

It was Kaushalya who was inconsolable. She held on to Shanta unable to speak. " I will see you soon" she said. Shanta's eyes could not remain dry for long. By the time she bade Kaikeyi and Sumitra goodbye, she was weeping softly. " Be strong as you always are,my child." Sumitra embraced her daughter. Finally, she bade a final goodbye to Ayodhya looking forward to her home in Anga.

*  SOUTH OF ANGA ( in deep forests of Angadesh)

"Rishya!!" called out Sage Vibhandak who was worried as his son was nowhere to be found. He prayed that the young boy had not met a woman or...

" Yes,father" a deep voice called out. Rishyashringa came inside. " The deer was in pain"

" Yes, I know." replied Vibhandak.

" It is not normal. It has.." 

" It has it's baby inside, Rishya. Perhaps you know it already." cut in Vibhandak crossly.

" Yes,father" he said meekly." I wanted to know how.."

" There is  a time to reveal things, Rishya!" Vibhandak said softly.

 Rishyashringa knew it was the time to stop but this time he was adamant. " I am almost twenty one, father. The process which led to the pregnant state of the deer requires two counterparts of the same species." he told his father.

" Where did you learn that? Do you know better than me?" Vibhandak roared knowing fully well that Rishya would sooner or later find out the existence of women.

" No father. I was just telling what you also know but are refusing to tell me. Do we have another counterpart who have different features than us?" asked Rishyashringa.

" ENOUGH! I have always encouraged you to ask questions, Rishya but certainly not this one. You are not to step out of this Ashram except for bathing and collecting fruits. Never talk about this. Ever." 

Vibhandak was very angry. Rishyashringa had brought back unwanted memories. The beautiful form of Urvashi ( one of Indra's Apsaras),her cunning seduction and flight after Rishya was born. All the powers and concentration he had gained was lost by the distraction she created,blasted woman. Indra had assumed falsely that  Sage Vibhandak was conducting a penance to gain Indra's throne and had sent the beautiful Urvashi to disturb him. And Vibhandak had not been able to resist her charms. It was later when Rishya had been born and her work was  completed, she went back leaving the small baby in Vibhandak's hands. He felt digusted with himself that he was distracted so easily and had desired a woman.It was then that the sage developed a strong hatred towards women in general. He decided to bring up his son  with ignorance to the existence of women. He didnot want his brilliant son to be inflicted with the same distraction he went through and repented even now. 

Never will Rishya see a woman, he thought feircely. But how wrong he was...

* Indra= The King of Devas or Gods

*Apsara= celestial dancers in the court of Indra

Thank you for reading so far. Have a nice day :)

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