Chapter 7

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Though Rishyashringa searched far he could not find the beautiful creature he had seen. He returned a bit later than usual and as the day passed he seemed restless and inattentive but Vibhandaka was far too occupied to realise that.

Meanwhile Shanta had noticed her missing earring only after she entered Anga but she did not think much of that. She had to arrange attractive women to bring the sage to Anga with her if he refused to come. After a day,she, Aadi  and the group she had gathered were on their way to the Ashram of Vibhandaka. Somewhere near noon, they reached the place. Shanta knew Rishyashringa would be alone. He was cutting firewood with his back facing them. He swirled around pointing the axe at them. His eyes widened at the sight of the five women before him. And Aadi.

Shanta had expected him to stare at them as he never had seen another human other than himself and his father. She expected him to be defensive and perhaps attack them. Rishyashringa did neither. He took a small cloth pouch and got an earring out and held out to Shanta. He pointed the earring and pointed towards her thinking she could not speak.

" Thank you. I can speak." she smiled. 

He asked the first question that came to his mind." I saw you that night. Who are you?"

" A woman." she replied . He nodded.

" You haven't told your father about that night ?" she continued apprehensively

" No" he whispered. He didnot know why he was whispering. He didnot know why he was even talking to the strange creature in front of him. All he knew was he wanted to stare at..the woman and hear her lilting voice that sounded like soft ringing bells.

" We need your help" Shanta said uncomfortably as she saw him staring.

" What?" His eyes never left her face. It was then he noticed the companions with her. After a glance towards them, he turned back to her. " You are a man's counterpart? You are my other half? All of you except that one (pointing to Aadi) are woman?" he asked expectantly.

" uh.. Yes. A woman certainly means that. But I am not your other half or  Aardhangini* if that is what you meant." she blushed looking away. By this time, the other women left no time in approaching Rishyashringa. One reached out to take his hand and softly asked," O sage, would you let us inside your humble abode? The heat scorches us so"

" Yes" he said his eyes never leaving Shanta's. He welcomed them in and went further inside  to get them water.

" I can persuade him now" winked Megha, a woman who had joined Shanta for this excursion.

" Not necessary. We will not force him like that. He won't tell his father about us. Let him get acquainted with us first" She said sharply feeling mildly irritated at Megha.

" Anyway, he has eyes only for you,Princess." she muttered nonchalantly as he came into view.  It was true. If Shanta's personality made normal men's heads turn, anyone could understand her effect on a man who had never seen a woman.

"Where do you live? Why did you come here?" He asked sitting in front of Shanta.

" We are from Anga Desh. We need your help." she said looking at him.

" How can I help?" he asked unable to hide his feelings for her.

" We are suffering from a drought and only you can save us." she told him.

" My father never mentioned of the existence of a woman. That signifies that he either considered you unimportant or held you in so much contempt that he didnot want me to know." he said cautiously.

" Yes. We are aware of that." she whispered softly her heart sinking . " You won't mention it to him that we came?" she asked getting up.

A beat later he said " No. You did no harm" he said leading them outside. 

" You will not help?" Shanta asked  praying to the gods. 

" I.. " his voice faltered. He had never seen such beseeching,vivid eyes. He could not help but adore the way her voice dropped a pitch, her eyes became wide,her lips shaped in a small pout..

With great difficulty he shook his head. She stood at the threshold for a moment as her companions turned around to go. She smiled. " Thank you for the hospitality." And turned away to go. 

" Wait...Oh...woman" Rishyashringa held her hand as she took  a step. The softness of her skin and the suprised squeal she gave,aroused emotions in him, he had never known.  He was so mesmerised he almost didn't hear what she said. 

" Shanta. My name is Shanta." she said .

" You will come again tomorrow?" he whispered.

She knew he meant only her. Shanta felt joy exploding in her. She could meet him again. She shook her head. Of course to bring him to Anga. " Yes" she said and joined the rest of them who were waiting for her.

Rishyashringa stood there till they disappeared and went inside shuddering softly. " Shanta" he tasted her name on his lips. How could his father not tell him about the lovely creature he had just met. Why could'nt he control his emotions in front of.. a woman,particularly her? He had never seen anything so beautiful in the nature as a woman. Her long neck,  small shoulders, the slim waist, and slight swell of her hips and bosom that he couldn't quite recognise, never having seen a woman. He felt confused by an unknown emotion surging through him. He would ask her everything tomorrow. He supressed the feeling as much as he could, channeling all his energy in the tough task of cutting wood. He would not leave any hint to rouse his father's suspicion.

*Aardhangini means other half of a man or in common words a wife.

*Thank you for reading so far. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing. There are scriptures tha say it was a courtesan who lured him to Anga but many say Shanta played a role in bringing him to Anga.

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