Chapter 14

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Ayodhya was in the same splendour it was when Shanta left it. She and Rishyashringa entered the city on foot and were greeted by her biological family. She had a sudden urge to rush to Kaushalya and hug her but resisted it until they finished the formal welcome. King Dasharath washed the feet of Rishyashringa as Shanta stood beside looking at her mothers. It was as if they had'nt aged. When they reached the palace, Kaushlya embraced her daughter fondly, tears errupting from the depths of her heart. 

" How are you?" Kaushalya managed as Kaikeyi and Sumitra gave her a teary welcome. " We heard  how you managed to bring Sage  Rishyashringa to civilisation" Kaikeyi winked.Rishyashringa  blushed looking away.Shanta assured them she was fine and was enjoying her life in the forest.  Dasharath beckoned Shanta and Rishyashringa outside to the large balcony. 

" You look more happy than here, Shanta. Will you ever forgive me for sending you away?" he asked softly 

" I am very happy and comfortable. Everything has happened for the good. There is nothing to forgive, Maharaj" Shanta said looking down.

" Don't.." Dasharth choked " call me that"

" That is the only suitable title for me to call." Shanta  replied. " I have been called here as the wife of Sage Rishyashringa. Not as your daughter, Your highness" 

Dasharath closed his eyes as his throat constricted to form words. Rishyashringa looked away feeling he was intruding a private conversation.

" You will always remain my daughter. I seek your forgiveness. Without you bringing Rishyashringa to the society and marrying him we could never have conducted the Putrakameshti Yajna." he said at last.

Shanta smiled sadly. Rishyashringa  knew she was veiling her pain and at any moment she would break down. " Are the preparations ready, Your Majesty?"

" Yes, you can start it when the time is right and you can stay in Ayodhya as long as you wish after the ritual" Dasharath folded his hands to the young sage before he turned away.

The Putrakameshti Yajna was something Shanta had never seen. The fire in the altar raged so high Shanta was a bit scared it would burn Rishyashringa even though he had assured her it would'nt. It took weeks for him to complete it. He did not take breaks nor did he take any food. Shanta had the opportunity to eat as she was merely assisting him but she did not, she was too fascinated to keep her eyes off the beautiful transformations of the fire and hair raising chants her husband uttered. Finally, at the end of the Yajna, a majestic form appeared which seemed to hold a small bowl. Shanta felt an urge to scream as Rishyashringa convyed his gratitude and devotion to the Lord of Fire, Agni and put his hands inside to obtain the flaming bowl. As suddenly as the form had appeared, he  went off leaving the fire to burn slowly. Dasharath had never felt so much gratitude or respect to any one as he felt for his son-in-law at that moment.

With fumbling hands, Dasharath stretched to recieve the bowl of porridge from Rishyashringa. He called Kaushalya and gave her the bowl as she was his first wife. Kaushalya divided the portion into two giving half of  it to Kaikeyi, the second wife. The two women divided their portion into two and gave half of theirs to Sumitra. Rishyashringa completed the rest of the Yajna.

" I am famished!" he exclaimed  as they returned  to the palace. " Atleast you should have eaten." 

" I was not very hungry. What you could do is something  no one can acheive at such a young age." Shanta said.

" All credits to my father" he smiled. King Dasharath caught up with the couple. He touched Rishyashringa's feet. " O great sage! How can I repay you?" 

" I have done this not as an outsider, Your Highness, but as a family. You donot reward your own family." Rishyashringa said humbly. " The queens will give birth to  sons in nine months time."

" Thank you for everything. I cannot give you anything that can match what you have given to Ayodhya but I insist you to take as many cows,goats,horses rearing animals that can simplify your life in the forests of Anga." 

" So be it" Rishyashringa said entering the dining hall. They decided to stay in Ayodhya for a few days upon the request of the queens. In the meantime, Ayurvati* was called upon and she declared after testing that the three queens were indeed pregnant. Kaushalya, Kaikeyi, Sumitra refused to leave Shanta out of their sight.Shanta soon realised that the relationship of Kaushalya and Dasharath had deteriorated with time. They did not even acknowledge each other except in public.  Rishyashriga explored  Ayodhya, had elaborate discussions with Sage Vasishta. 

When it was finally time to bade them goodbye, Kaushalya was much calmer and Shanta felt rejuvenated after a lovely time in Ayodhya.She had requested  her mothers to take care of themselves and her father.  Dasharath had said that he would send the animals after they reached Anga as it would be difficult for them to reach Anga with the flock on foot. 

" I told you, you would like coming back" Rishyashringa said holding her hand as they rested on the banks of Sarayu on the other side of Ayodhya. " How would you like four brothers?"

" Four?" Shanta asked suprised.

" Queen Sumitra will have twins" he said.

" I would love to have four brothers." she smiled as they got up to continue their long journey to Anga. 

Shanta felt familiar returning  back to the forests of Anga. This was home. As they entered the part of their residence, Rishyashringa looked at her sharply. " Can you hear that?" he whispered.

Shanta closed her eyes, straining her ears for the sound that had startled Rishyashringa. She opened them suddenly. She nodded softly as she heard a distant clanking sound. Rishyashringa extracted his sword as Shanta reached for her knives strapped to her legs. They slowly made their way to their hut as Rishyashringa walked behind her looking backwards. The door of their cottage was  flung open. Rishyashringa's nose twitched softly. " Shapeshifters!" he breathed taking in the foul odour.

" You mean demons? Here?" she  whispered confused .

A swooshing noise went past her ears as Rishyashringa pulled her behind him. A small knife was wedged in the tree where Shanta stood . Shanta turned around looking for the source as Rishyashringa took out the knife that had a green tip. " It's poisoned. Krait venom."

* Hope you liked it. Thank you for reading so far.

Ayurvati- A lady well versed in the practice of Ayurveda.

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