Chapter 11

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(Kludia's P.O.V)

“Kludia?” Ethan asked when I made it through the door.

 I nodded. My legs hurt. On the way here, I was running the whole time, plus, on an empty stomach. I noticed that I've been faster since they experimented on me, but I wasn't use to it yet. And I couldn't catch the bus because: 1. I didn't have any money on me. And 2. even if I did have money, I would've had to wait several hours before the bus would stop off where I needed to be. So I ran, and boy, were my legs feeling it. I liked how society portrayed werewolves, they seemed so bad-butt in movies where they had endless stamina.

 But sadly, that wasn't how real life was. Beyond exhausted, my legs finally gave out and I passed out on the floor.

 “Kludia!” Ethan hurried to where my body lay. “Guys! It's Kludia!”

 I heard running all around me.

 “Dang it, Kludia,” I heard the disapproving voice of Kaius. Gosh, that was one thing I would never miss.

 Someone picked up my limp body and carried me to what I assumed to be my room.


It was dark out when I finally woke up. I sat up and turned to my left, only to find a sleeping Xavier in a chair by my bed.

He looked so much younger whenever he slept, so worry-free.

 I got up from my bed quietly, trying not to wake him. And I covered him with a blanket. Then I put on a jacket, and tip-toed out and into the hallway.

 I walked to the kitchen, because I haven't eaten since before I got captured. And I found Kaius, sitting at the island, drinking hot chocolate and in deep thought.

 I quietly made some hot chocolate as well, and then sat next to him.

 After a few minutes, Kaius broke the silence which later I wish he didn't. “Why are you back? They did something to you, I can tell. Are you here to spy on us?” he said with no emotion in his voice.

 “No. They did do an experiment on me, but-”

 Before I could finish my sentence, Kaius got up and pinned me against the wall so fast I didn't have a chance to react. “I knew it!” he raised his voice. “They're using you as a weapon!”

 “Kaius,” I barely choked out.

 “Tell those bloodsuckers to bite me! They will never accomplish whatever their evil, messed up plan is.”

 “Pu-lease...” I coughed. My air supply was running short. If he didn't stop soon-

 “ Kaius!” Spencer rammed into Kaius, restoring my ability to breathe.

 Kaius and Spencer tackled each other for a bit.

 Finally, I was able breathe correctly again without wheezing. So I stepped in between the two, grabbing Kaius's fist in the air just as he was about to punch Spencer. “Stop. Listen to me. I'm not a spy. I'm not any different than I was before I left.”

 Kaius pulled his arm back, and Spencer quietly wandered out of the room. He always had good timing.

 “Sit down,” I demanded. Surprisingly Kaius obeyed. “I came to warn Xavier. They're coming after him, or at least until they realize I escaped.”

 “What would they need him for? You said they experimented on you. And it seems like it was successful because you're standing here, alive and breathing. So why would they need another wolf?” His words felt venomous. I knew he didn't believe that I wasn't the same Kludia, I knew he didn't trust me.

Bad Blood (previously known as "Let's Be Animals")Where stories live. Discover now